121st Poem: All By My Lonesome

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All by my lonesome,

I want you to stay,

I wonder,

can hear my thoughts?

I wonder,

can you see my silent plea?

Please, don't leave,

don't go, don't depart.

Stay with me, please.

My eyes plead,

but my mouth stays shut,

there's an unspoken message

written in these brown orbs, 

but your father is here,

it's time to pick you up,

time for you to leave,

so you start packing up.

You only just got here,

yet you're leaving me already,

all by my lonesome,

my friends no longer surrounding


You've left,

your presence no longer felt,

I saw you walk out the door,

you carried your backpack and box.

Oh, how I wish you had stayed!

Or that I could've gone too.

But now I'm alone,

no one to laugh with or talk to,

alone again,

when I finally wanted to talk,

all by my lonesome,

left to my thoughts,

missing my friends as I wait in this

school, ready to go home and take a

nice nap after a disappointing day.

Mind {Prose Vol. 2}✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora