2: Oddly Similar

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"Hurry up, bitch!" Stacy yelled out her car window as I exited my front door. I laughed and flipped my middle finger up at her. We had one of those crazy friendships were it was common to call each other names and joke around, it was how we showed our love for each other.

I hopped in the backseat of her car, next to Blake. It made me so happy to be around my two closest people, outside of my parents.


After a very long drive, which honestly didn't feel that long due to having fun on the drive down, we arrived at a massive house. The entire street was lined with cars and you could hear the loud music blocks away. When we finally found somewhere to park, Blake grabbed my hand and led me towards the party. 

"Hey, Thomas is supposed to be here too so I'm going to go find him. You good with Stacy?" He asked me when we got into the yard.

I nodded and shooed him off. He gave me a quick kiss. As soon as he left Stacy began pushing me to the table where drinks were being made out in the yard. We both picked up a red solo cup of some pre-made drink and raised it up.

"To the best, best friends around!" Stacy screamed, "Us!"

I laughed and we began to down most of the liquid in the cup. Once we finished, I heard one of my favorite songs coming from inside and jumped up and down, "We gotta go dance!"

I led Stacy into the house and we began to go crazy dancing to the music. Neither of us knew how to dance, we just had fun with it and went wild. About five minutes into it, I felt my phone buzzing in my  pocket.

Blake <3 : 5 New iMessages

You think I don't see this?

Fuck you, bitch.

After everything we've been through you're going to mess it all up with some random guy.

I'm leaving 

Blocking your number now too.

I instantly froze in confusion. I felt my heart beating so heavily and it felt like it was rising up into my throat. What did I even do? What random guy did I mess things up with?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Stacy asked leaning over to see my phone. I showed her the texts and she gasped, "What? You've been with me all night."

I shook my head, "I'm going to go find him." This had to be some sort of misunderstanding. 

As I wandered through the house I continuously called Blake but each time went straight to voice mail. He really had blocked me. 

"Hey, where are you? We need to talk." I said into the phone while recording a voicemail.

I found my way into the backyard, no one was really back here. Just a few couples making out and some girls crying in a circle together. I noticed a swing set in the very back of the backyard and sat down on the swing. Every text I attempted to send to Blake came up with an exclamation mark, failed to send.

Frustrated, I threw my phone and screamed. I couldn't lose Blake, he was my world.

"Hey, what's going on?" I heard a girl say. I looked up and instantly felt my breath stop.

She looked exactly like me. Pale skin, long, dark, wavy hair, deep green eyes.. it was like looking into a mirror.

"Holy shit, you look just like me." She commented stepping closer to me.

I nodded, "This is.. freaky."

Without saying another word she grabbed my arm and flipped it over, "Oh my god."

I pulled my arm back away from her, "Okay, what the hell? You can't just touch me just because we look alike."

"Your birthmark on your wrist, I knew it would be there."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I'm sure you did, detective."

She pointed behind me, "And you have another one on your left shoulder. It's shaped like an almond."

The world around me stopped. How the hell did this girl who looked exactly like me know about my birthmarks?

"How did you.." I began, but I was cut off by her falling into my chest and hugging me.

"I always knew we'd find you, Erika."

I didn't know who this girl was or how she knew so much about me, but I hugged her back and felt a strong connection between the two of us.

She stood up and took her wallet out of her purse. A few seconds later, she handed me a wrinkled photo of two young children dressed in identical outfits. I looked closely at the photo and realized I was one of the children.

I slowly looked up at the girl, "Who are you and why do you have a picture of me?"

"I'm your twin sister. You've been missing for 14 years."

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