29: Caught

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"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Becca screamed at me as she continued to speed down the road.

I sighed and looked down into my purse at everything i had gotten. Something had to work. I didn't do this for nothing.

"Hello? Earth to Erika." She said waving her hand in front of my face.

I held up the toothbrush, "This is why I went there."

"You know, most people would just go to the store and buy one for a few dollars, not go back to their fucking kidnappers and steal one. A used one at that." She huffed.

Rolling my eyes, I informed her, "It's for a paternity test."

"Erika, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you already figure out that Steve and Annette are your parents." She questioned me.

I quickly explained the whole situation and what had just happened. "So that's why I took all this stuff," I concluded, "now I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone what just happened, especially Liz."

Becca shook her head at me, "You know I can't do that, E. You could have gotten seriously hurt tonight."

"But I'm not," I pointed out, "please, Bec. I'm begging you not to tell."

She ignored what I had said and turned the radio on. We drove the rest of the way without saying another word.


When we got back to my house I turned to Becca and thanked her, "You really saved me today. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there."

"Probably still be with them." She mumbled as she unlocked the car.

I opened my mouth to say something else but I knew she didn't want to hear it right now. It was a good thing she was upset honestly, it showed she cared about me.

When I walked into the house, all the lights were on, making me realize they had known I was gone.

"She's back!" Elizabeth called down the hallway as she rushed down the steps.

Annette emerged from the hall and gave me a disappointed look, "Where the hell have you been? Do you even know what time it is?"

I lied,  "I was just in a walk. Had to clear my head, I haven't been gone long."

She scoffed, "You've been gone for nearly two hours! Why haven't you answered your phone?"

"You never called me," I told her as I checked my phone, realizing it had died sometime throughout the night.

Elizabeth pointed down at my leg, "How'd you do that?"

I groaned, I had completely forgotten about scraping my leg open in all the action, "I just fell."

"Erika Ann, you tell us the truth right now." Annette growled sternly.

"I did." I lied.

She grabbed my phone from my hands and put it into her pocket, "You can get this back when you're ready to stop being so immature and tell the truth. That also means no leaving the house besides school."

Knowing being grounded was better than telling the truth, I stomped my way upstairs and slammed the door shut. I began to empty my purse out onto the bed, completely panicked. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even hear Elizabeth come through our bathroom door.

"What is all that?" She asked, startling me.

I stepped in front of it to block her view, "Nothing."

She pushed me out of the way, "Why do you have a bunch of used, nasty bathroom stuff? These aren't even yours."

Knowing she couldn't be lied to so easily now I said, "They're Mike's."

"Erika, are you kidding m-" She began to scream before I put my hand over her mouth.

"Please don't freak out or tell Mom," I begged as I slowly uncovered her mouth, "it's to find out if he's actually our Dad."

"Girls? You okay?" Annette's voice boomed down the hall.

I mouthed the word 'please' to Elizabeth and she stood frozen in shock. As Annette's footsteps drew closer to my door she finally shouted back, "We're fine! Erika just scared me."

"Okay, well go to bed. It's still a school night." She told us. We heard her footsteps grow quieter and Elizabeth quickly punched my arm, "Are you actually insane? You went to their house?"

"Well, technically I went to their motel." I jokingly corrected.

She didn't find it funny.

"Is that what happened to your leg?" She questioned.

I nodded, "I just fell when I was leaving. I'm really fine, trust me. Now, do you know anything about paternity tests?" 

She shook her head, "No, but Tony might. He's a mega-science nerd."

I grinned, "Perfect. See you in the morning then."

A/N: So obviously I have been very bad at updating these last few weeks. I went from daily uploads to once a week, if even. I feel really bad about this and part of it is due to me just having creators block but it is largely because I'm currently working on moving to my college (I move in Wednesday). So please hold on with me these next couple weeks while I finish packing, make this move, and transition in college life! I will do my best to continue uploading at least once a week <3  

Question for the Reader: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Author Answer: Rocky road or mint chocolate chip 🍨

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