20: Hearing Him Out

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I woke up Friday morning knowing i wasn't going to school again. I looked at my phone to see six text messages.

Becca- Hey, noticed you've been gone the past few days and haven't heard from you since i dropped you off. You okay?

Becca- Oh also i emailed you all the answer keys to the assignments you've missed. Thank me by meeting me at the cafe sometime this weekend.

Becca- If you don't answer these messages by the end of the day i will personally come to your house and murder whoever is making you hate me.

I laughed and quickly typed a response to her saying I was okay but had some stuff going on. I let her know I would go to the cafe with her soon before reading texts from Josh.

Josh: Hey, hope you're okay.

Josh: Can we meet up and hang after school? I want to talk to you.

Josh: I need to know what Jacob told you about me so you can hear my side of the story. Please respond soon.

I sighed and texted back saying to meet me at the park at 5. I knew Jacob had a gig with his band tonight so it was the perfect opportunity to get out without him knowing I was hanging with Josh. I felt bad going behind his back and hiding, but I needed to know the truth.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see a note on the kitchen counter.


I had to run to work, it was unavoidable. I will be home soon. Please stay in the house and check your phone frequently.

Much love,

I sighed and tossed the note in the trash. At this point I was bored out of my mind and almost wished i was at school.

I decided to just have an apple for breakfast, I wasn't even hungry after last nights events but I knew it was crucial for me to eat. I spent the whole morning catching up on some homework assignments i was able to view online until Annette got home.

"Hey, what was up with work?" I asked as she came into the kitchen carrying some groceries.

She sighed, "They're just so stingy with the number of days I get off! Some middle school girl got an award and they needed me to go out and interview and write a section in the paper about her."

I laughed and prepared to ask her about going out tonight, "So listen, I know that things are pretty tense and you don't want me going out with my parents in town but-"

"No, Erika." She snapped, cutting me off before i could get any farther.

I sighed, "It's just to the park for thirty minutes! I'll be home way before curfew."

"Oh, the park! Splendid idea, the same place Lisa was with you last night." She said sarcastically.

"What if I went to Becca's house?" I asked.

She paused for a moment and considered my idea, "Only if she picks you up and you go straight there and then get driven back."

Crap, she knew Becca's car and Josh's car. I couldn't lie anymore.

"Okay, the truth is I want to talk to Josh for a bit since he helped me last night. I know that there's bad tension with him in this family but he deserves a chance." I confessed.

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