36: Becoming the Prisioner

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We drove for hours that night. It was pitch black, not a single star in the sky. The moon was in the "new moon" phase, so we couldn't even see that. It was just pitch black silence. 

It was torture.

I felt trapped and suffocated. I could hardly breathe and I was terrified of what was going to happen if I made too much noise, so I just sat silently. Lisa had passed out in the passenger seat and Mike had burned through so many cigarettes I had lost count. The window was barely cracked so the car filled with the smell of smoke. It made me sick.

I didn't think too much on the drive. I knew if I started thinking about my family, Becca, or Josh- I wouldn't be able to stop or control my emotions. Instead, I focused on trying to remember the good times I had with Mike and Lisa. I couldn't spend the rest of my life in fear, I had to find a way to be happy again. If that was even possible.

Finally, when the cars radio clock showed 3:42 AM, Mike pulled into the driveway of a small house. There were small, dim lights around the house, hardly illuminating anything. From what I could see, I had never seen this place before.

"Where are we?" I asked as he unlocked the doors.

He ignored my question and got out of the car, slamming the door shut and waking up Lisa. She jumped and looked back at me, "Don't ask questions, dear."

Mike opened my door, grabbed my arm, and yanked me out. I knew complaining would only make the situation worse so I just allowed him to pull me to the front door. Lisa fumbled around in her purse for a few moments before pulling out some keys and unlocking the door.

The inside of the house was almost bare. It was clearly very old and un-lived in for quite some time. Everything just looked.. old. The furniture was cheap and damaged and all the lights flickered. 

"Sit down," Mike ordered nodding towards the tiny sofa, "It's time for the rules."


The rules Mike listed off were all ridiculous. He said I wasn't allowed to contact anyone, which I expected. The list ended with, "And you will not be leaving the house without Lisa or I."

"You're gonna follow me to school?" I puzzled.

He shook his head, "No. School won't be possible with this situation."

"Are you actually insane," I yelled, "you can't not send me to school! That's going to set me back so much in life. You have to consider my future."

Mike rolled his eyes, "Lower your voice or there will be consequences."

Lisa put her hand on my back, "Sweetie, with everything considered, it just isn't an option. Once Annette realizes you're gone, I'm sure photos of you will be all over the news. We can't risk anyone seeing you."

"So I'm a prisoner." I concluded.

She sighed, "Don't view it like that. We're just doing our best to take care of you given the circumstances of all these recent events."

I rolled my eyes, "The circumstances, meaning you being exposed as kidnappers. Not my parents."

"We are your parents." Lisa sternly said.

I shook my head, "No, you're not. You're both monsters. I used to love you and when I made the choice to come with you both, I thought I still did but now I know I don't- and I never will again. Not as long as you keep me away from my family." 

"That's it." Mike growled, standing up and grabbing my arm. He yanked me up and dragged me to the back of the house. I kept screaming for him to let go of my arm, but he ignored me. We got to the back of the house and he opened a door and pushed me in. Closing the door, I heard a sliding noise. I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. I quickly realized they had locked me from the outside in. I was trapped.

I was trapped away from my family. Trapped with monsters. Trapped in a mysterious town. Trapped in a house that was not my home. Trapped in a room that wasn't mine. 

All I wanted was to be back with my kind mother, hilarious father, protective brother, and amazing twin sister. Unfortunately, I really was the prisoner. 

A/N: So, after much consideration, I have decided I will officially be bringing "Abduction" to a close (as mentioned in my latest update on my newsfeed). I have loved creating this story so much and you guys have no idea how many hours I have put into brainstorming and writing every chapter. Your support of this story means the world and without it, I wouldn't have made it this far! I'm estimating 3-5 more chapters before the end of this story, but a sequel may be possible one day! Please continue to support me as we finish this journey together.

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