12: New School

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When we got back into Westville I told Annette I wasn't in the mood to go to the mall. I needed time to just reflect on everything that happened today. She comforted me by saying Elizabeth and I could go to the mall together one night and drove me home. I decided to skip family dinner and went straight up to my room. Elizabeth kept calling my name and followed after me but once I shut my door, she got the memo that i needed to be left alone.


I was woken up extra early by Steve entering my room and lightly shaking my shoulder, "First day at the new school."

I shook my head, "I'll start tomorrow."

"The longer you procrastinate it, the worse it's going to be. You need to just put yourself out there and let them talk about you until they grow bored of it and move onto someone else." He encouraged as he flipped the lights on in my room.

I groaned, he was right. Getting ready for school that morning was the hardest thing ever. Way worse than the first day of school normally. It was extremely frustrating because I only had a month and a half left of this year anyways and I wished they would just let me slide. Isn't finding out your parents actually kidnapped you a good enough excuse to take the rest of the year off?

When I went down to breakfast, Elizabeth was extra peppy. She jumped excitedly when she saw me, "I can't wait for you to meet everyone! Tony is especially excited."

I raised my eyebrows, "Boyfriend?"

"Gay best friend." She responded. 

We both laughed until Jacob came in and pointed at his wrist, "Car's leaving in five minutes."

We both grabbed our bags and ran out to the car. I jumped in the passenger seat and watched Elizabeth pout, "Man, maybe not having a sister was better- i always got to sit in the front."

Jacob shrugged and joked, "I kind of like the new sister more."


We got to the school and my mouth dropped. It was giant. At least three times the school I went to.

I got out of the car and followed Elizabeth in, everyone was staring at us. I guess it was weird to see to identical people walking next to each other.

She walked me to first period and told me she would meet me at lunch. I was absolutely freaking out because I knew no one, but they all knew me.

I waited for the bell to ring before sitting down so i wouldn't accidentally steal someone's spot. The only open seat was next to a girl with extremely curly, light brown hair. When I sat down she didn't really acknowledge me, which was really surprising. 

As class started I heard some girls behind us talking and realized it was about me.

"I heard that her parents locked her away as a child so she couldn't tell anyone" The first girl said.

The second girl responded, "No way! I wouldn't be surprised if she was only staying here for the Greene's money."

The girl sitting next to spun around and commented, "Oh my gosh, that's crazy! I would be extremely surprised if you two would shut your big mouths for once in your life."

I choked back a laugh and the girls instantly shut up. I smiled at the one next to me, "Thanks."

She nodded, "No problem, they're annoying as hell anyways. Gossip girls drive me nuts. I'm Becca."

"I'm Erika, but you probably already knew that." I said, completely ignoring whatever the teacher was going on about.

"Yeah," she began, "Jacob Greene's sister. Everyone knows you."

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