32: Exposed

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A/N: Omg it's almost been a month since I updated, sorry guys! I've just been SO busy balancing school/homework, club organizations, friends, and family that I haven't had time/motivation to post! I'm also currently getting over being sick so I've just needed time away. Thanks for understanding <3

As we drove back to the house, I realized I hadn't really thought out any of this. All of my secrets were about to come out, starting with me sneaking out of the house after I was grounded. 

Annette was about to be pissed.

When we pulled up to the house, all the lights were on. I could tell by the look on Steve's face he was happy to see the house again. He had been gone for so long.

I led the boys inside and was immediately confronted with Annette's wrath, "Erika Ann Greene, do you have any common sense?" 

I gave her a meek smile, "Hi, Mom."

She froze when she saw Steve and Jacob behind me. You could literally feel the tension in the air. 

"What's going on?" She puzzled.

Steve shrugged, "You tell me."

All eyes landed on me so I explained, "Okay so I haven't been exactly honest with everyone but that's not why I brought them here. I want Mom to tell her side of the story."

Steve rolled his eyes, "Go on with it then."

Annette motioned for us to follow her and we went to the living room. Elizabeth was already sitting in there and jumped when she saw the boys.

"Jake," Elizabeth exclaimed, "you're back!"

He crossed his arms and shrugged. I watched as Elizabeth's face filled with disappointment as our big brother continued to shut us out and act cold.

As Annette retold the story she had told to Elizabeth and I the night everything happened, I grew more and more ashamed of my actions these past couple weeks. I had been pushing everyone away and made the choice to go against Annette. I knew everything was going to have to come out at some point, sooner rather than later. 

When she finished explaining herself, no one really spoke. I couldn't tell if that was good or bad. Jacob kept looking over at Steve to see what his reaction was but Steve simply kept his head down looking at the floor. Everyone was in anticipation on what he would say.

After what felt like forever, he finally cleared his throat, "I understand why you did it, but it still doesn't make it okay."

"I know it doesn't and I'm sorry." Annette sniffled, wiping away tears.

He looked over at me, "I want you girls to know I don't blame you. I'm sorry for leaving and shutting you out."

"So am I. What I said about not being my sisters was stupid and out of anger." Jacob added.

Elizabeth's face lit up, "It's okay, really! We've missed you guys. Does this mean you're coming back home?"

Steve shrugged, "I still need a bit of time to process. Is there anything else I should know about?"

Elizabeth and I instantly looked at each other. She shook her head and mouthed the word 'no' but I felt guilty. I couldn't hide the paternity test forever. It had to come out eventually.

"I ordered a paternity test." I spat out.

All eyes fell on me. I heard Elizabeth groan in anger, Annette's eyes were wide in worry, Steve's mouth dropped open.

"But you never got my DNA, how could you-" Steve began to question until I cut him off.

"I met up with Mike. I wanted to know more about what happened and I knew we all need the truth. He took me to this motel they were staying at and then they got all freaky on me, wanted me to stay with them and take Elizabeth too. I had to run out and Becca saved me. That's what happened to my leg." I confessed showing them the scar that had formed from when I fell on the street.

Steve stood up, "We're leaving."

"No, don't!" Annette argued as she ran towards him.

He put his hand up to stop her, "Annette, enough. You clearly cannot handle the children without me. You let Jacob leave the night I left, you allowed Erika to see her kidnappers, and I'm sure Elizabeth has done something in the time I've been gone too."

"She didn't know," I informed, "I snuck out of the house and told her I went for a walk. She took away my cell phone to punish me. She is trying."

"And I haven't done anything." Elizabeth added.

Steve sighed, "Maybe it's best we just continue to stay away from each other." 

There was no arguing what he wanted. We couldn't say anything else to change his mind, it was up to him to figure things out. We watched as Jacob and Steve left the house and heard their car zoom away, once again being left alone. 

Question for the Reader: What's your favorite thing about fall time?

Author Answer: Halloween movies!

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