38: New Hope

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Another week had gone by. I had quickly learned the ropes of the book store and felt at home there. I hated being at the house and every second I was there I counted down the time til it was time to go back to the store.

The customers there were all always sweet and kind. Primarily, they were older adults and typically it was just the stores "regulars" since books are becoming less and less popular as technology grows. I didn't mind though, it made me happy to have a routine and human contact again.

One day however, I was stocking shelves with some new shipments we had just gotten in. Teen romance- the books Lisa always brought home for me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a boy behind me tapped my shoulder, "Excuse me, miss."

I spun around and saw a teenage boy who was around the same age as me. I was very taken aback and shocked to see him and I guess my face showed it.

"Are you alright," he asked, "you look like you're about to pass out."

I lightly laughed and saw Lisa out of the corner of my eye giving me a disapproving look. I cleared my throat and nodded, "Yes, sorry. I was just lost in thought."

The boy smiled, "I can respect that."

"So, how can I help you?" I asked him.

He handed me a wrinkled piece of paper, "I was wondering if you could help me find these. My friend recommended them to me."

I glanced over the list and noted they were all in the sci-fi section. "Follow me!"

As I led the boy across the store, he asked me, "Do you go to Anderson? What grade are you in?"

I shook my head and lied, "Uh, no. I'm homeschooled."

"Totally jealous. Although I figured you didn't. I think I'd recognize someone as pretty as you if we went to the same school." He replied.

I laughed at how cheesy he was and chose not to answer. I knew there was no point in leading this boy on or attempting to bond with anyone because Lisa would put a stop to it immediately.

I began to pick out the books on the list and handed them to him, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, this is good." He smiled as he began to flip through the pages. I led him up to the cash register and checked him out, "Have a nice day."

"See you again soon." He winked. I rolled my eyes and watched him walk out of the store. This was not good.


The boy came into the store every day after that. Each day, he brought in a list of new books he was recommended and as I picked them out, he would ask me questions and flirt with me. While part of me enjoyed the contact, most of me hated it. It made me sad. He reminded me of Josh and made my heart hurt. He was also just a reminder of how trapped I was.

Lisa watched me like a hawk when he entered the store. She knew there was nothing she could logically do to stop him and if I disappeared, it would look quite suspicious. So each day I would put on a fake smile and help him with his book-hunt while dealing with the flirting and avoiding all the questions I could.

I did enjoy having contact with the boy. I learned his name was Bryce and that he was a total nerd. It was nice to feel like I had a friend again, even if it was all based on lies and I could never see him outside the store.

Lisa began to warn me about the boy. She told me, "If you so much as think about telling him the truth, I will make your life a living hell." I knew no matter what I did, she would never trust me so long as the boy returned to the store. So, I began to create a plan.

I slipped a pen from the front desk into my jacket pocket while I was working the front desk one day. The next morning, I woke up earlier than I needed to get things in order.

I pulled out one of my favorite books Lisa gifted me, If I Stay, and tore out the back page. I quickly scribbled the following message:

I am not the girl you think I am. My name is not Elizabeth. I am Erika Greene. I'm being held hostage, please contact my real mother, Annette Greene. Do not speak of this with anyone other than her. I'm begging you.

I wrote down her cell phone number under the note and heard my doorknob begin to twist. I quickly shoved the note into my pants hem and leaped back into bed. I pretended to still be sleeping when Lisa entered the room.

"Erika, get up! We're going to be late if you keep being a lazy bum!" Annette shrieked, flipping the lights on.

I faked a groan and sat up, "I'll be quick."

"You better be. I'm sick of your actions." Lisa spat as she left the room.

I quickly got dressed and slipped on my wig. Looking one last time in the mirror I took a deep breath. It was now or never. This was my only chance.


A/N: I know I said there would be 4 chapters after the last one but I realized that the following chapter would be extremely short so I'm just attaching it after this one so we have an extremely long chapter instead of an awkward, super short one after this! Here is chapter 38.5 :)


I went about my day of work as usual. I had to act as casual as possible to avoid the wrath of Lisa. Luckily, Bryce arrived at the store right before my lunch break.

"What's on the list for today?" I asked.

He shrugged, "No list today. Thought we could just hang out and burn time and we could hang out when you get off?"

I frowned. This was my one shot. He couldn't mess this up for me.

"I can't tonight, family stuff. I have a book suggestion for you though." I improvised.

He raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Do tell."

I bit my lip and led him to our usual sci-fi section. My eyes wandered across all the books and i frantically searched for one he hadn't already boughten. If i didn't move quickly, Lisa would know something was up.

I quickly grabbed one off the shelf and handed it to him. He looked over it and grinned, "I've actually heard amazing things about this one."

I smiled, "Perfect! Let me check you out quickly."

Time was ticking. I had to move fast.

Once at the register, I slipped the note out from  my pocket. It was folded up into a small square so I quickly slipped it into one of the pages of the book when he wasn't looking. As I continued to check him out, I saw Lisa had her back to me. Perfect- she had no idea.

"Have a good day. See you soon." I told Bryce as I handed him the bag.

He chuckled, "Aren't you gunna charge me?"

I gasped, "Right. Uh. 13.50 please."

He handed me a wad of cash and told me, "Keep the change." I watched him leave the store and exhaled in relief.

My note was officially with Bryce and my future and freedom was completely in his hands. He had no idea.

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