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Kiss me... Daisy pleads.

When she allows her gaze to leave his lips to check his eyes, she sees for the first time a determined intention there, and instinctively knows that this time he'll follow through. The notion sends a whole new wave of heat through her body, causing her to shiver. Daisy lets her eyes flutter shut and waits patiently for her daddy to make his move.

Jerome takes note of Daisy's acceptance, the subtle signs in her posture indicating her full submission to his wishes. It's a dangerous move, one that the ginger plans to make full use of, if she'll allow it. He leans back in, letting their lips graze once more, and finally presses—

A sudden bout of aggressive knocks on the door shocks both the room's occupants, sending them flying back away from each other. Jerome sends the door a venomous glare, more than a little pissed off that whoever's there chose now to throw a little tantrum. This better be fucking good.

Reluctantly, Jerome stands and stalks to the door, everything about him conveying displeasure as he storms over, stomping. Suddenly remembering Daisy, he turns a much gentler look to her and gestures for her to go sit on the bed. Feeling small, the girl obeys quickly, scurrying to the bed and sitting meekly on the bouncy mattress.

Assured that Daisy is out of sight, Jerome swings the door open angrily, his body blocking the few inches of space.

"What?" He growls to Tabby, who seems far too satisfied to be on her side of the encounter.

"I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" She purrs, left eyebrow lifted knowingly.

"Don't play games. Why are you here?" Jerome demands, stepping through the door and shutting it behind him, leaving Daisy alone in the room.

"You were the one that asked me to look into your dad's friend's abode in the middle of nowhere. Well I found it. You're welcome," Tabitha sasses, handing him a thin manila folder.

The look of rage falls from his face as he accepts the folder, flipping it open to examine its contents. There's a picture of a quaint little cottage alone in the woods, buried deep where most wouldn't dare venture. Jerome's lips curl into a dark, amused smirk.

"This is the place alright," he sighs to himself.

Tabitha looks at him intently, puzzled by his strange behavior. She can't help but wonder what's going through that crazy head of his.

"Thanks, Tabs," Jerome murmurs absently, not looking up from the folder as he partially opens the door to his room and slips back inside, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

"Freak," Tabitha mutters as she strides away.

Daisy turns her gaze from the bedsheets to Jerome and the folder in his hands as he returns to the room. His mood has done a complete 180 from when he left just seconds before. Looking up at her, the redhead grins and turns the folder to face her, pointing to the little cottage.

"This is gonna be our new home, babygirl," Jerome announces, approaching her with new energy and allowing her to better see the photo of the abandoned home.

Daisy tilts her head in confusion as she studies the house, not sure what was happening or why Jerome's mood has changed so drastically.

There's almost no trace of the lust he hosted earlier, his eyes returned to their normal blue-green, and the tent in his pants all but collapsed. She can't help the disappointed pout that overcomes her features when she realizes that they probably won't be picking up where they left off.

"What's the matter, princess? Don't you like it?" Jerome asks, mistaking her expression for displeasure regarding the cottage.

Daisy shakes her head quickly, trying to think of a way to clarify without giving away her lust. Maybe he was right to call me a whore before...

"Aw, Rapunzel, what's wrong, sweetie?" Jerome wonders when her face drops further.

The girl just shakes her head again, embarrassed and hoping that he won't be able to figure her out as easily as he usually does. Trying to distract him, she smiles radiantly, giving him her best look of innocence and pure joy.

"Uh-huh," Jerome says, eyeing her face distrustfully. "I'm not buying it."

Daisy's expression drops and she pouts again at his statement. Suddenly, a mischievous smile overcomes the ginger's features, one that she isn't quite sure she likes the look of.

"Princess, are you aware that you are breaking the rules right now?" He growls. The girl shakes her head, unconsciously scooting further away from him on the bed.

"You most certainly are! For one," Jerome announces, setting the folder down on the side table with an audible snap. "You are lying to Daddy."

"And two," he continues, stepping forward and forcing her knees apart. "You aren't telling me what you need. You promised that you would tell Daddy when something was wrong and needed fixing. It's only been a day and you're already breaking promises, little one."

Daisy can't decide if the tremble in her legs is from fear or arousal at this point. Probably both. His hands still rest on her knees, holding them apart for him to stand between.

As she continues to remain silent in shock, Jerome begins to rub small little circles on the sides of her knees with his thumbs, the rest of him motionless as he awaits her response. His searching gaze holds hers, relentless and confident. Eventually a smirk creeps onto his face as well.

"The way you're acting makes me think that you want Daddy to punish you, princess. Is that what this is all about, hm?" Jerome teases, his voice a steady rumble that resonates in her core.

Daisy splutters, mouth opening and closing as her lips and tongue struggle to communicate something to him even without working vocal chords.

"Are you acting out so Daddy has no choice but to put you over his knee, pumpkin?" The madman chuckles, enjoying messing with her far too much. While spanking her delectable little ass red sounds mouthwateringly tempting, he has no plans to at the moment. Not when he hasn't even gotten a kiss yet.

Daisy's mouth is still half-open as she struggles to process what is happening and how she can possibly respond, and in that moment the curve of her lower lip draws most of Jerome's attention. He raises a hand from her knee and uses its thumb to swipe across that lip, smearing her saliva across the surface as well as his own digit. Without further thought, that same thumb promptly leaves her lip and is slipped into his mouth as he hungrily sucks the taste of her off of it.

Watching him lick his thumb makes Daisy's mouth go dry. She can't even form coherent thoughts anymore. It's like she can't stop imagining that he's tasting her just as he would during a heavy kiss. Her eyes are glued to his lips and she can't make them move.

Jerome notices, of course.

He finds her attentions amusing and adorable, the way that she looks at him with wide eyes full of awe and wonder. Every time he gazes into those eyes he's filled with contrasting urges: one, to protect and love her as his; the other, much darker one demands that he take her—possess her and hide her away so no other can look upon what's his.

It's a constant battle between the two, emotions surging back and forth as each tries to overtake the other.

Why can't we have both?
Hey there! I said I'd be back, didn't I? Sorry about the little tease, but I did say to get used to it. I'm not really good with scheduling myself as I prefer not to push out low-quality updates, which is why it takes so long for me to post new chapters. But I'd say you can expect updates about every other weekend. I may update early, but generally it shouldn't take much longer than two weeks for me to finish a good chapter. School will be starting up again for me this Wednesday, so that will definitely slow things down too ;(
Just know that I'm not going to give up on any book, so don't get disappointed and delete it if you haven't heard from me in a while. Have a good weekend and I hope going back to school isn't too terrible!

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