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Daisy tries to sound assertive and confident when she speaks, but it comes out more soft and nervous, more than a little unsure. "We can keep kissing... and touching, but over the clothes."

Jerome beams down at the shy girl in his lap, his pride in her for stating her mind and what she wants far outweighing his disappointment that they won't be going as far as Jerome Jr. would like.

"Good girl, princess," he purrs. "You're a brave girl for telling Daddy exactly what you want. God, you're so fucking sexy."

With that, he groans deeply and returns to kissing her, letting his hands slowly begin to glide across her body, exploring now that she has allowed him the privilege. Daisy moans in return as her hips regain their movement, rubbing herself against him desperately.

Then suddenly it's like she remembers that she has hands too because they shoot to where she's always wanted to touch—Jerome's vibrant red hair. Her nails scratch against the scalp as she tries valiantly to pull him impossibly closer to her.

Jerome hums appreciatively at the sensation and allows his hands to land on her breasts for the first time. Squeezing them, gently at first, he pulls back a little to watch her, craving her reactions to his touch.

And he is not disappointed.

Daisy's face screws up in pleasure, finding his hands with her own and holding them over her chest as she moans. He squeezes again and realizes something he probably should have known from the first time.

She's not wearing a bra? Fuck. His touch has caused her nipples to harden some, enough to be felt through the thin fabric of her sleep shirt. And all this time she's still riding his lap like his cock is inside her and not beneath her, separated by multiple layers of clothes.

Though, he considers her sleep shorts and panty combo, she is probably getting friction enough from that, especially for her first time.

"Fuck, babygirl, just like that," he groans as she grinds particularly well on his cock unexpectedly.

Panting a bit, he finds her nipples through the fabric and pinches them a little, enough to draw a shocked squeal from Daisy's mouth. Jerome smirks at the sounds of her pleasure. He never expected before to be able to hear them, but they're far better than he ever could have fantasized.

He moves back to her mouth, kissing more sloppily now as he gives her nipples a parting pinch each and slides his hands back down to her ass. Jerome can feel her clench a bit at the feeling but doesn't focus on it, instead using his grip to guide her down on his lap.

A well-angled thrust has her crying out again, arching her back and away from his mouth. Jerome is unbothered, instead moving slightly lower to the as yet unclaimed expanse of her throat. He nips, sucks, and licks at the skin there, leaving marks behind as some kind of proof of ownership.

Despite everything, Jerome feels that the juvenile dry humping has brought him very close to the edge. He travels up her neck to her ear and demands, "Be a good girl for Daddy and tell me how good I'm making you feel."

"So good," she moans immediately. "It feels so good—fuck! You're making me feel so good!"

Her motions never cease, but he can tell that Daisy is definitely getting tired as she pants heavily above his head. The poor girl is desperate to reach orgasm, and so is Jerome, so he takes a more active role, thrusting his hips up as she grinds down.

She cries out at the unexpected added friction and immediately moves to continue it, getting so, so close to her own end, she just needs something...

And of course, Jerome seems to know exactly what that is. His eyes meet hers and lock on. "Good girl, princess, now cum for me. Cum for your Daddy."

The dark look in his eyes, the friction, and the words all tumble together at just the right moment and Daisy goes from teetering to flying headlong over the edge into her orgasm. Watching her rapture brings Jerome right to the edge with her.

"Daddy!" Daisy calls out as she hurdles over the ledge, and that is enough to make him cum too. They both frantically ride out their highs, their eyes locked.

Jerome gives the girl another kiss, this one considerably more gentle and smooth, and finally pulls her head to his shoulder, soothing her as she comes down.

"You did so good for me, princess. You made me feel so good—maybe a little too good," Jerome chuckles a few minutes later at the end of his stream of praise, looking ruefully between them at his presumably ruined underwear (and probably pants, too, if the wet spot is anything to go by).

Daisy blushes profusely at the knowledge of what she made him do. "Oh god, I'm sorry!"

The man gently grasps her chin, pulling her eyes back to his for what he's about to say. "Never apologize for how you make me feel. If I didn't want to cum in my pants like a teenage boy from some dry humping with you, I wouldn't have consented to your boundaries. I am grown and I will tell you if you are doing something I don't like, just as I expect for you to tell me, just as you set your boundaries with me today."

All Daisy can do is nod, awestruck at her daddy's powerful ability to make her feel and understand.

"Words, babygirl," he chides. "Now that you can speak I expect words. You are a very intelligent and well-articulated girl, quite capable of expressing your understanding beyond simple gestures."

And apparently Jerome, too, is intelligent and well-articulated, because, wow, she has never heard him (or anyone else) speak so deliberately and beautifully.

Remembering what she is doing, she replies, "Yes, Daddy, I understand. I'll use my words just like you will to communicate and set boundaries for ourselves."

"Good girl," he hums, pleased. "I am so proud of you for telling me what you wanted earlier even though it may have felt daunting and embarrassing for you. Never be afraid to tell me things—whether that's what you want, what you need, or how you feel. I want to know every little thought that flies through your head if I can."

"Thank you," Daisy whispers quietly, indeed a bit embarrassed that they are bringing it up again now.

"Because you were so good, and because this may be our last night together before I have to go, we can do whatever you want," Jerome smiles. "Within reason, of course. And after I change my pants."

"Of course," Daisy agrees, blushing a little.

"Let me go get cleaned up and then the evening is all yours, princess," he promises, pecking her lips chastely as he picks her up and sets her on the couch. He leaves her with a cocky little smirk, but his awkward walk due to his situation has her biting her lip, desperately trying to hold in a laugh.

Surprise, surprise! Well, how did you like it? It's probs not even that hot, but if Jerome kidnapped me just to dryhump on a couch, I'd die happy, idk. There are only a couple chapters left and then we are in the murky waters of Part 2. No, I won't put you through the final act because it's way overdone and we all know how it ends. Sadly, Daisy and Jerome do not. Vote and comment if you enjoyed!

Rapunzel <J. Valeska>Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant