Chapter 3

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The whole time Bella and Justin talked. They talked about theirselves and laughed at things they found embarrassing. They really had things in common. Even parent troubles growing up. They know they were beginning to have feelings for each other. In the kitchen, Cherry and Mo was stirring cake batter for dessert. They noticed the two outside talking. Mo smirked. "Looks like there's a new couple." She said. Cherry nodded in agreement.
"Yup. I'm a young witch and I could feel their chemistry. Real magic can be involved with love." She said. They watched as Justin spun her around and Bella laughed. Cherry smiled a little.
"They're actually cute together." She said.
"I know." Mo said. Simone laughed.
"I knew this would happen. He smiled that sweet smile when he first met her." She said. Cherry and Mo chuckled. Outside, the two came inside in time for dinner. "Dinner's ready!" Deana said.
Everybody sat in the dinner table to eat the cooked spaghetti. Bella smiled. "This spaghetti's delicious!" She said. Mo smirked. "Thanks to yours truly, I been cooking a lot for Junior." She said.
"Who's he?" Justin asked. "My little brother." She said. "Just so you know, I put the cake in the oven. It was too easy making it!" Cherry said. Atticus smiled his best friend enjoyed cooking. Patch ate lots of doggy treats Deana got for him. He barked in happiness and licked her fingers. Deana giggled. "Down boy!" She said. Patch went back to his spot where newspapers laid on the floor. Atticus smiled. "He really likes you Deana." He said. Cherry smirked. "Duh. He ate so many doggy treats." She said. Everybody laughed a bit. Bella and Justin couldn't stop giving smiles at each other.
Bella giggled at his goofy face.
"Ok. These two will become an item soon." Simone muttered to Mo. She nodded in agreement. Bella tried to use her fork to pick up a meatball. But she flicked it and it hit Justin in the nose. She and the others low-key laughed. Justin smirked.
He playfully threw a meatball at her. She yelped. Bella smiled. "You lucky I like meatballs." She said. She took a bite out of it. Justin chuckled. The gang finished the dinner and enjoyed getting to know Deana and Justin.

In the boys's room...

Atticus smirked. "Wow Justin. You and Bella been getting close lately." He said. Justin smiled. "She's really a great girl." He said. Patch's eyes felt sleepy.
Atticus rubbed his back. "It's ok boy. Hop on my bed." He said. Patch hopped on his bed and laid his body next to his pillow. He was absolute tired. "Atticus, I think I wanna do something for Bella." Justin said. He looked at him. "I know Bella would want something beautiful and so sweet from a guy. You might have a shot." He said. Then Justin's brain clicked. "I know!" He said. Atticus quickly looked at him. "Really? What?" He said.
Justin smiled. "I'm gonna need roses, stuff animal...and a guitar." He said.
Atticus smirked. "I have a feeling tomorrow's gonna be super romantic." He said. Justin chuckled and turned off the bed light. The dog and two boys drifted off to sleep. Justin indeed will have something super special for Bella tomorrow.

The next day, the gang ate breakfast and hung out with Justin. He had a plan to woo Bella. She was still in the girls's room watching tv. Little did she know the others were joining Justin for the plan. Suddenly, she got a text from Simone.

Sissy💕🤪: hanging out at the empty movie theatre. Come join!

She smiled. She quickly rolled out of bed and got dressed. Bella didn't mind taking an Uber to the theatre. She got out the car and walked inside. The place was totally empty. For a second, she thought they were gonna watch a movie.
"Simone!" She called out. She noticed something different. Rose petals were on the stairs. "What the..." She said in shock. She began following the rose petals to the front row of seats. It led up to a seat where there's a bouquet of roses and a lion stuffed animal. She smiled in astonishment. She grabbed the gifts and sat on the chair. The curtains opened showing Justin with a guitar. Bella gasped.
He smiled. "Hi Bella. I kinda thought of a way to ask you on a date. So this is the date. And I'm happy to say I never met someone like you. You're a great girl. You may be funny but that's what I love about you. God, you're beautiful just by staring at you. You told me a lot that you love music and I want you to know I'm yours." He said. Bella smiled happily.

Bella cheered. She ran on the stage and hugged him. He hugged back. They immediately kissed. The others were shocked. Atticus smirked. "Date completed." He said. Patch nodded.
"Agreed!" He said. Two kept on kissing.
Cherry gagged. "Alright you're in love! Chill!" She said. Bella giggled and he wrapped his arm around her. "I say we give these two privacy. This is their date." Mo said. They left leaving the official couple alone.

Meanwhile at the house...

The others hung upstairs after helping Justin. They wanted to hang around in the rooms for a bit. Patch stayed behind and looked for Deana. He walked downstairs to see a girl with brown hair, brown eyes and loving smile. The same smile like Deana's. From her look, she had great style. She looked exactly like Deana and probably her dad. It was his oldest sister Sophia. Patch used his dog hearing to listen to their conversation.
"Mom. You gotta tell him." She said. She sighed. "I don't want Jeremy to take him." She said. Sophia groaned. "He will not take him! He never knew where you took him. He has to know the truth. You know Macedonia's getting worser and more people are dying. We have to fight." She said. Deana huffed thinking of what she just said. "I'm really gonna need some help. I think we should put a stop to him and then tell Justin the truth." She said.
Sophia rolled her eyes. "So you wanna kill him before he knows about him? I hope you know a good lie about his death." She said. Deana looked at her sternly. "I wanna save our home. I can't just rush- She cut her off.
"Mom! Macedonia's slowly dying. Don't you know that? I know it'll take time for him to take it all in. But the kingdom's at stake. We need to fight back." She said. Deana sighed. There wasn't any choice but to fight back. "I have some visitors here. Maybe they could help us." She said. Sophia nodded. "Ok. Good. We'll put an end to him for good." She said.
'Looks like we have a battle to attend to.' Patch thought to himself. He immediately ran upstairs to tell Atticus and the others.
There might a battle for Macedonia awaiting.

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