Chapter 5

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The next morning the gang hanged out with Justin. Bella was definitely in love with him. And he was beginning to be like a brother to Atticus and closest cousin to Cherry, Mo and Simone. Other than that, they knew Justin still had to know where he came from. Deana has been keeping tabs on Macedonia since the King's death.

Somebody in the royal family needs to take the throne and rule. She knows that person's always been Justin. Sadly, two rulers who are his birth parents aren't alive anymore. She was in the living room, thinking about whether to have Justin go home or stay here. Then again, he's old enough to make his decisions.

Atticus watched from the wall. "Are you ok?" He asked. She looked at him.

"Yes. I'm just thinking." She said. Atticus nodded. "I bet it's about Justin." He said.

She nodded. "Yup. I literally don't know what to do. The king's dead and there has to be another person in the royal family to take the throne. I'm not sure Justin's up for it now. He's only 19." She said.

He nodded in agreement. "Least the townspeople are free from the king's terror ways. Justin's old enough to make his own decisions. It's his choice if he wants to be king or stay here." He said.

Deana agreed Justin is growing up and this is a choice himself has to make.

She smiled sadly. "I understand. I just don't want him to end up like his father." She said. "He's not like King Jeremy. He's more than what he was. He's...special. He always thought being different was bad. But it's actually good because he stand out from the crowd. Like a leader." He said. Deana giggled. "He's always been that way. A good leader." She said.

Atticus smiled. "Then I believe he'll become a great king." He said. She sighed. "I think it's time to tell him." She said. Atticus nodded in agreement.

"I agree." He said.

In Justin's room...

Justin was sleeping peacefully in bed. Somehow he felt tired after a long fun morning with his new friends. Bella almost walked pass his room. She saw him and smiled. 'He's so cute when he sleeps." She thought. Patch chuckled. "Somebody's sleepy." He said. Bella smirked. She was going to mess with him. "Can you do me a fun favor?" She asked Patch. He nodded.

"Sure." He said. Then she whispered her plan in his dog ear. He nodded and hopped on the first side on the bunk bed.

He opened his mouth and licked his whole face with his tongue. Justin instantly woke up in disgust. "Ewww! Bad dog!" He said.

Bella laughed. Patch laughed but quietly. Justin always pass out when he talks.

Justin fake pouted. "That's not funny." He said. Bella laughed more. He smirked deviously and got off the bed. Bella backed away. "Get away from me. You got Patch's spit all over you." She said.

He chuckled. "Why? Wouldn't you let me kiss you?" He said. She ran and he playfully chased her. Patch smiled and joined the fun. Bella playfully screamed and Justin chuckled. They ran in the girls room. Cherry and Simone instantly woke up after a nap. Mo jumped at their playful noise. Bella laughed and pushed Justin onto Cherry. Patch's saliva was now on her cheek. She groaned. "Ewww! You got Patch's dog spit!" She whined.

Justin got off her and caught her by the waist. Bella smirked and smacked his hands. Simone groaned. "Can you both please take it outside?" She asked.

They looked at each other and then back to her. Bella smirked deviously.

"Ok then...." she said. Mo grabbed a water bottle and playfully spilled water on her.

Simone was now drenched and soaking wet. Her jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?! Ok, now imma hurt you Mo!" She slightly growled. Mo laughed. "Come and get me!" She said. Bella spilled the bottle on Cherry too. She growled angrily.

"And I'm so helping you hurt them!" She said. Justin chuckled. "Uh oh! Run!" He yelled. They ran and Cherry and Simone ran after them. They were in the backyard chasing after each other.

Cherry picked up a water hose. She smirked. "How do you like this?!" She yelled. She squirted water all over them.

Patch, on the other hand, enjoyed the water fun. Bella took it from her and sprayed water on her and Simone.

Overall, there was laughs, smiles and mud puddles Patch enjoyed.

Atticus came and snuck behind Mo. He playfully carried her bridal style and swung her around. Justin kissed Bella and spun her around. She giggled and kissed rubbed his wet hair. Sophia and Deana were inside. Deana smiled at how happy Justin was after a long time. Sophia chuckled. "Don't you think they're going a little insane right now?" She asked.

She nodded. "Yup. I'm happy my son is happy." She said. Sophia fake smiled.

"Why don't we go out and enjoy the fresh air?" She asked. Deana nodded.

"Ok honey." She said. They walked out while the others enjoyed a water fight.

Without hesitation, Sophia playfully carried her Mom and joined the water fun. Deana laughed and squirted water over her. Sophia's jaw dropped. "Mom! You know these are my favorite boots!" She whined. Justin laughed at his whiny sister. Sophia smirked and squirted water all over him. Bella laughed and hopped on his back. The threesome family and friends enjoyed a very wet afternoon.

In Deana's car...

A while later, everyone cleaned theirselves up and was in Deana's car. Sophia had to leave for work. Deana figured Justin could have more fun time with the others before she tells him about his secret home.

In the car, Justin couldn't go one minute without talking to them which makes Deana smile. "Mom, I'm 19. I could drive myself anywhere." He said. She smirked.

"The same 19 year old that took my car without my permission and drove to a club and came home drunk. Yes I agree." She said sarcastically. Mo, Cherry and Simone low-key chuckled. "Looks like somebody broke his mom's rule." Atticus said.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Besides, we're going to a restaurant. Some of you might be hungry." She said. Cherry groaned.

"I am." She said. Bella smiled widely.

"Cool! I like to eat whatever they have here!" She said. Justin smiled.

"You're so hot." He said. Bella blushed a bit. Everyone immediately stopped talking and looked at him. He smiled nervously.

"I mean she's very pretty. So pretty..." he said. The girls low-key giggled except Cherry. "Nice public compliment Jay." She said sarcastically. Simone chuckled.

Justin wrapped his arm around Bella as they drove to a restaurant.

Later, they eaten and Deana drove them home. Justin and Bella stayed behind to go on another date. Justin's secret still had to be told. In Deana's room, she sat on her bed while holding a picture. Patch stopped near her door to watch.

It was a picture of the King and Queen holding Justin as a baby. In that photo, the threesome family looked happy. No strings attached. Just one happy couple and their baby. Deana looked at it in hopefulness.

That if Justin knows the truth, it's his decision if he wanna stay here or take the throne. 'I hope he'll take the truth well.' Patch thought. Right now, Justin's just an irresponsible 19 year old. As he grows, he'll figure out his destiny.

Patch went back in their room. He hopped on Atticus's bed. He looked at him.

"What's wrong buddy?" He asked. "It's Deana. I saw her looking at a photo of the king and queen and Justin as a baby. Should Justin know the truth now?" He told him. He rubbed his fur. "I don't think so buddy. He's 19. He's not ready to know this type of thing. In his 20s, I'm sure he'll grow and understand." He said. Patch nodded and laid on his spot on the bed.

"Where is he anyway?" He asked. Atticus smirked. "On a date with Bella. Let's just hope he doesn't break curfew." He said.

Patch chuckled and drifted off to sleep.

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