Chapter 6

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2 years later...

Justin did indeed have grown. The others threw him a 20th b-day Party in his own new house. There was definitely alcohol, smoke and dancing music. Then again, it's his birthday. He was now 21 years old.

Deana and Sophia couldn't have been more proud of how grown he is now.

Bella herself was lucky to love such a sweet amazing guy. The others decided to still live with Deana to keep following their mission. Bella, on the other hand, moved in with him. The house had more space for the couple. Bella still kept in mind about his secret home. She chilled in their bedroom where Justin still slept. Her phone beeped. It was from Simone.

Sissy🤪💕: Deana said its time.

Her jaw dropped. It was finally time for Justin to know the truth. He's 21 and now an adult. She huffed. There was no choice left. Justin stirred half awake. He smiled sleepily. "Hey beautiful." He said softly.

She fake smiled. "Hey babe. Um, get dressed." She said. He looked at her.

"Why?" He asked. She sighed sadly. "There's something your mom and we have to talk to you about. At her house." She said. "Why? What's wrong?" He asked. She nodded her head no. "Nothing. Just need to talk to you." She said. Justin could see Bella was serious. He rolled out of bed and got ready.

They drove to Deana's house. Everybody was in the living room. Silence. That's what was happening. Mo sighed. "We've been waiting for this day to come." She said. Atticus nodded in agreement.

"Yup. Least he's matured enough to know." He muttered to her. Patch cuddled on his lap for comfort. Simone rubbed his fur. The door opened and there was the couple. Deana smiled sweetly. "Hey sweetie. How are you?" She said.

Justin smiled and hugged her. "I'm good." He said. Bella hugged her as well.

Sophia was also in the room too. She knew about Justin's old life and his family. "So, what is it you gotta tell me?" He asked. Bella looked at Deana. She nodded and motioned them to sit down.

He looked at everyone confusedly. Patch hopped on his lap and barked softly.

He smiled and rubbed his head.

Deana took a deep breath. 'Here it comes.' They quietly thought.

"Justin, there's something we need to tell you. It may be insane to believe but it's true. We wanted to wait till you're grown enough to understand. You know I told you that your father left me when you were a baby?" She said. He nodded.

"He was a king. Actual king of Macedonia. He was such a selfless person along with his Queen...your birth mother. She died after she gave birth to you. It completely turned your dad into this awful-violent ruler. He killed whoever escape the town or just leave. Macedonia was getting more dangerous I didn't want his evil ways to have an impact on you. So, I came in the palace and brung you here." She explained. He looked speechless. "What do you mean he's a-if he's a king then...I am- she cut him off. "Yes. A prince." She said. His jaw dropped, shedding a tear.

The gang looked at him feeling bad.

"H-h-how? Why did you bring me here? I understand you wanted to save me but it still wasn't fair to take me from my home." He said. Bella held his hand. "Justin, she wanted to keep you safe. You would've turned into the monster he was." Atticus said. Justin took a deep breath.

"Is he still here?" He asked. They looked at each other and back at him.

"There's more. While you were at Aunt Lexi's, we went to Macedonia and went to battle. We fought him and his soldiers. Macedonia was getting worse and more people were suffering. We had to stop him. He said for me to keep taking care of you and wasn't nothing more of a dad. Before he...killed himself." Deana said.

Justin was blown by everything they told him. "Does that mean...I'm now a king?" He said. She rubbed his hair. "If you want to rule or stay here, it's your decision." She said. He looked at Bella. It's not worth being a king if he leaves Bella. "But I want you to think long and hard about this. Being a king is a bigger responsibility." She said. He nodded and hugged her.

Patch walked up to him. "By the way, I am a talking dog." He said. Cherry groaned.

"He's gonna pass out again." She muttered. Justin stared down at him.

Mo breathed a breath of relief. "Good. He didn't faint." She said. But Justin's eyes rolled up to his head and he collapsed in Deana's arms. Their jaws dropped.

Bella slightly chuckled. "I'm sure he'll get used to your talking Patch." She said.

Patch chuckled. "Hope so." He said.

"I'll help you Miss Deana." Atticus said, lifting Justin up with his super strength. He carried him to his bedroom they used to share. Simone looked at Bella.

"Bels, can I talk to you alone?" She asked.

She nodded. "K." She said. The two sisters went in the backyard.

Simone looked at her worriedly. "What's up Simone?" Bella said. She sighed.

"Ok, Justin knows about Macedonia so he has to make a choice whether to stay or be a king. I'm worried about you because whatever decision he'll make, you won't see him anymore." She said. Bella scoffed.

"Of course I'll see him more. We even live together. I know Justin has to make a decision but I'll support whatever it is. I love him Simone. I do. Maybe...if he wants to stay here, I'll stay with him. Or if he wants to rule Macedonia...I'll go with him." She said. Simone looked at her as if she were crazy. "What? What about me? What about us? Both decisions will define your entire life if you stay. What if somehow you get tired of it? This is really serious Bels. And you oughta think long and hard too." She slightly growled.

She walked away, leaving Bella with many things to think about.

Meanwhile, Justin recovered from consciousness and had Atticus and Patch by his side. "Guys, I want to make the best decision. It's just...Bella. I don't wanna leave her. She's the love of my life." He said. "It's not like you'll have to dump her. You can have her in both worlds. I bet she feels the same. It's not like she'll come up with a crazy idea to either stay here or come with you to Macedonia." Atticus said. Simone came in their room angrily.

"Congrats prince! Bella's considering being with you on both decisions. Not even realizing it'll define her entire life." She said sarcastically and walked away. Justin looked at her. "She is? Oh no." He said. Atticus and Patch's jaws dropped. "I think you both gotta think long and hard...about your future together." Atticus said. Justin nodded and flunked himself on Atticus's bed. Whatever decision will define their life together.

~ Bella & Simone's Adventures of The Lost Prince ~Where stories live. Discover now