Chapter 4

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"Her sister knows? And we have to fight?" Simone asked. Patch nodded. "Deana's even making Justin stay with his aunt Lexi so they could go." He said.
Atticus nodded. "If it's a battle, we'll fight then." He said. "I'll call Bella to get her." Simone said. The gang ran downstairs to see Deana and Sophia. "Miss Deana, we know what you're gonna do. We'll help you defend Macedonia." Mo said.
She smiled. "Thank you." She said.
"Hello I'm Sophia. Justin's sister." She said. "I'm Atticus- she cut him off. "I already know who you are. Thank you for joining to help save our country." She said. Atticus smiled. "No problem." He said.
Simone looked worried. Cherry looked at her. "What's wrong Simone?" She asked.
She sighed. "This just doesn't feel good. I mean Bella's his girlfriend and we're...his friends. And we're going to fight his father/the king." She said. Mo patted her shoulder. "It'll be ok Simone. There's a reason why Deana had to keep it a secret. It was to protect him." She said. Sophia nodded in agreement. "My Mom told me about her real home when I was 18. I began to study so much about Macedonia. I found out the country was slowly dying because of the king. I wanted to help her fight him. She trained me a lot. Mostly when Justin's in school." She said. Simone slightly chuckled.
Soon Bella came in. She had a huge smile on her face. Simone knew it was because of Justin. "Hey, I got your text. We're really doing this?" She said. Patch nodded.
Atticus cracked his knuckles together. He didn't flinch because of his super strength. The gang smiled, for they're gonna defend Macedonia against the evil king. "Also, we can get to Macedonia thanks to my teleport ability." Bella said.
Deana smirked. "First things first, you all gotta wear protective armor." She said. Bella cheered, as to she'll wear cool armory to fight the enemy king.

In Macedonia...

The gang teleported to Macedonia. The town wasn't all Drell had shown them.
It was all in ruins. Villagers looked homeless and hungry. The only way they could get food is by working in the king's palace. To everyone, it was the saddest thing ever happened. But they were determined to put an end to king Jeremy's wicked ways. Deana helped sneak them inside the palace. They hid behind the golden wall in the left while the guards were on the other side. Luckily, they didn't see them. Out of nowhere, Atticus punched and kicked the two guards harshly. They fell to the unconscious. Mo gave a thumbs up to him. They went out of hiding and saw a stairway to the king's balcony.
"Alright. All of you surround the palace in case more guards come. I'll deal with the king." Deana whispered. "But the king has killed someone before Mom. Are you sure you can handle it?" Sophia said.
Deana nodded firmly. "Yes I can. I been wanting to confront his cold ass for years." She said. The others except Bella were stunned that she cussed him out. Bella smiled. "We're with you Miss Deana." She said. Deana smiled and thanked her. "Cmon! Let's go!" Atticus whispered. They carefully ran and surrounded the place ready to fight any time. Deana began walking up the stairway. The door was half opened. Without hesitation, she opened it wide and saw the king. He was on the balcony looking at the entire country. He growled. "Nothing is worth being king after losing my Queen and my son." He said.
Deana could see how his anger fueled the way he ruled Macedonia. "I should've sent my stupid men on the way to find him. Nowhere! I need to find Deana. I need to find that woman who stole my son away from me. Her blood will be on my sword." He growled angrily. Deana stood confidently. She really wasn't afraid of him.
She took out her knife from her pocket.
"Guess who it is." She said. He turned and saw her. She gripped the knife, prepared to stab him. He was deeply shocked. At the same time, he was glad to finally get revenge on her.

Meanwhile in the palace...

Bella huffed as she stood prepared to fight. "I hope Miss Deana will be ok." She said. Simone nodded. "I know. But she said she can handle it." She said.
"It doesn't feel good to just fight him before she tells Justin. But he must be stopped." Sophia said. Patch hopped on a window and looked outside. He looked worried. "Um guys, we got company." He said. The front doors busted open.
It was more of the king's guards. "Intruders! Trespassers!" One of them yelled. "Get them!" He yelled. Atticus smirked. "This is gonna be fun!" He said. Bella smiled. "Tell me about it!" She said.
The gang started fighting each of the king's army.
It was clear the battle for Macedonia had just begun. On the balcony, the king swung his sword but Deana dodged it. He grabs her wrist harshly and pulled her onto him.
"I been waiting for this for 19 years!" He yelled.
He let go of her and she punched and kicked him in the belly. "All you ever did was hurt people cause you were hurt!" She said. He took out his sword but she dodged it with her knife. He growled and pushed her onto the wall. She dropped the knife and groaned in slight pain. "You stole Justin from me!- she cut him off.
"I did not steal him! I was protecting him from you! You would've turned him into what you are right now! A real monster who punishes innocent people just cause you can and for what you feel!" She screamed. He kept pushing her onto the wall. Deana tries to fight his grip with all her might. "There wasn't anything left for me! I lost my wife! I wasn't gonna lose my son too!" He yelled. "You didn't lose him. You pretty much lost yourself." She said. He smirked. "I can't wait to do what I should've done if I founded you." He said.
He tried to take out his dagger. Deana, fighting off his grip, finally pushed him off her. He kept swinging his dagger and Deana kept dodging it. He smacked her hand and kicked her to the ground. She groaned slightly in pain. The king laughed menacingly. His laugh sickened her. She has to put an end to this. She looked at the gun in her other pocket. Her brain clicked. She had a plan.
The king charged at her but she slid under him. She gripped the gun till he grabbed her. She took it out and a shot was fired.
Deana's jaw dropped. The king fell to the ground holding his waist. He was wounded in the pelvis. Deana dropped the gun in shock. He started breathing heavily. The king looked at the sun setting while he was quietly in pain. Deana kneeled down beside him. "You're right. I am a wicked horrible man. My son would've hated what I became. I knew you could do better with him. I so dearly loved his mother. When she died, I quickly turned to hatred." He said. Deana sighed.
"I'm his mother. Since he was a baby, I fed him, clothe him and got him into school.
I taught him what it means to be a good leader. I strived doing so much to make him happy. Because he's my baby boy. I'm his mama. I gave him everything cause from the start, he was my everything. So Jeremy, he has only one mom. And that's me." She said. He slowly nodded.
"I'll always love him. I want you to keep doing better for him. Me? I deserve to leave. Tell Justin I was nothing more of a father to him." He said. He grabbed the gun and pointed the trigger to himself.
Without a doubt, another shot was fired.
Deana closed her eyes from the sudden sound of it. She opened her eyes to see the king's dead body. She kneeled closely to him. She smiled. "Hate may win some battles but love wins in the end." She whispered. She kissed his forehead. She walked down the stairway to see the others looking down at her. The battle was completely over. They smiled. She smiled happily. "Let's go home. All of us." She said. They teleported back to LA.

In Bella and Simone's room...

Simone breathed in relief. "That was a big battle." She said. Bella nodded in agreement. "But it was worth it. Macedonia is finally safe but I can't believe the king killed himself." She said.
Atticus rubbed Patch's fur as he relaxed in her bed. "He did it for Justin to keep being happy here. For a father to hurt himself so his son can be happy was really amazing." He said. Mo smiled a bit. "It was like giving your life for somebody else's." She said.
Cherry looked around. "Where's Justin?" She asked. Then Justin came in.
He smiled. "Hey guys! Mom said you guys could stay here. Maybe longer!" He said.
Bella cheered. "Yay!" She said. She attacked him with a hug and they kissed.
The others low-key chuckled. "Wow! Thanks Justin!" Patch said. Justin jumped once he heard him spoke. He looked at Bella. She nodded. "Yup. He's a talking dog." She said. He fake smiled and immediately passed out. All our jaws dropped. Mo chuckled. "I think he'll be fine." She said. Bella flunked herself on the bed. "Well, we saved Macedonia." She said. Atticus smirked. "Yeah. But there's still more to come." He said.
They enjoyed a chilling night as Justin laid passed out till Bella tried to wake him up. It was true. There was more to come in this adventure.

~ Bella & Simone's Adventures of The Lost Prince ~Where stories live. Discover now