Chapter 2

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Draped in lilac; her dark ringlet curls framed her face. The rest was was pulled back into a chignon and held in place with a silver barrette. She favored her mother in her face, the same dark eyes held glimmers of light caused by the sun. She was stunning to look at. There was only one problem...  she was a SHE!
     Now I know Belle has done some questionable things in the past as far as setting me up for things, but this was far beyond that. Not only was I now arranged to marry someone who came from a family I didn't know and a place I've never been, but that someone was a woman. If I hadn't been afraid of possibly losing an alliance with King Rolten, I would have stormed out of here by now.
     I felt Maribella nudge me with her elbow at an attempt to pull me back into reality and out of my head.

     "Good evening, I apologize for not being able to attend dinner with you all on account of some letters that needed to be written." She spoke softly with a voice that could've very well put me sleep. I avoided her eyes as she looked at me in hopes of some unnecessary forgiveness due to her late arrival.

    "Nothing to worry about dear, I'm sure there will be plenty more dinners you can attend in the future." Belle turned her attention to me and began to speak again. "Alessandra why don't the two of you get acquainted while the rest of us decipher what the first move will be towards becoming prepared for this rumored war."

   "I'd rather not." I whispered, too low for anyone to hear.

    Genevieve motioned towards the two glass doors that led to the garden just outside the dinning room. Regretfully I followed, not wanting to appear livid whilst still in front of her parents. We walked awkwardly in silence until we reached a fountain that had glowing lights built into it.


     I cut her off before she even get a second word out.
     "Before you even try let me make this very clear to you, the only reason I am allowing this marriage between us to happen is because I haven't got a choice. Something this vile may be ok in your region, but not where I come from nor do I approve of it myself. I don't not plan on becoming "acquainted" with you and in my eyes you are nothing but proof of an alliance."

    She casted her eyes down to avoid the glare I was giving her.
     "If that is how you want things to be than so be it. Keep in mind however avoiding me won't be necessarily easy being that I'm the person you'll be sharing a bed with at night from now on."

   Over my dead body. There was no way I am going to allow some random woman to share a bed with me.
    Unamused with her words I walked back towards the castle without even glancing back to see if she followed. I told Belle I was ready to leave and thanked the king and queen for having me.


    "So does this mean you are going to be a lesbian now?" Dealia questioned me. I had been ranting to them about all of what had been dropped on me in these past two days.

    "I am no such thing nor will I ever be." I didn't really expect them to understand exactly what I was going through since they were only sixteen.

    "You will be after your wedding day." Said Ariana. "You do have to kiss her."

  The thought of it made my stomach turn. Was this even legal? What about an heir? Two woman can't make a baby. One of the twins would have to take over and, oh dear Belle was right about the dragon theory. I had been refusing to speak to her since last night.

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