Chapter 22 Epilogue

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Six years later

Alessandra's Point of view

My fingers trailed the railing of the balcony. The soft breeze blowing the loose strands of hair away from my face. With the castle being in near chaos this past week due to the twins' double wedding plans, I've been finding myself up here a lot lately. It was quiet. I could sit out here and think to myself without having to be bothered. It was easily my second favorite place to be.

I could hear the balcony doors open and close behind me. Genevieve slowly slid her arms around my waist, wrapping me completely in her embrace. This was my first favorite place to be. In her arms.

"You aren't cold out here?" She asked.

I shook my head no. The sun was out enough to still hold warmth over me.

"The twins were wondering where you were hiding."

"Don't tell them," I said. "This is one of the only places I can get away from them."

She laughed. Oh, how her laugh could melt all of winter. Genevieve rested her head on my shoulder. I could feel her soft breathing up against my skin.

Things had settled down after the war. Maribella and Maxwell still stayed in the castle with us. The twins were planning on moving out after their weddings. Aleah had indeed gotten back with her ex. I wasn't too fond of him, but whatever made her happy made me happy.

As for Genevieve and I, things were definitely flowing a lot smoother. We did end up going back to the island for our fifth anniversary last year. Except, this time we weren't completely alone.

The doors opened again, followed by contagious giggling. The dark-haired little boy made his way into my arms. He was getting big, nearly too big for me to hold any longer. I wasn't too fond of the idea of adopting so early on, but Genevieve tends to be very... persuasive. Now, I wouldn't change it for the world. This little boy was nearly my entire life aside from my wife.

"Do you think we should take him to see the dragons this year? At the light festival?" Genevieve asked. "Is he old enough?"

"I think that's a great idea," I answered. "What do you think? Want to go see the dragons, Killian?"

"Yes!" My son shouted happily.

The End

My deepest apologies to those I may have made cry in the final chapter. Hopefully, the epilogue somewhat lifted your spirits. Well, it's a bittersweet feeling to end this book. I will say, I ended up going in a completely different direction that what I think I had originally wanted to, but in all honesty I don't even remember what direction i wanted to go in to begin with. This was my first book and in my opinion not my best work, but I refused not to finish it. Thank you ALL for reading and voting.

~The Official Royal Flame Writings🖤

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