Chapter 13 light festival pt.2

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     Five o'clock soon made its debut as the sky's light dimmed down and the town's began to show. Bulbs of brightness large and small decorated each path that could be walked on. Different colors of white, pink, yellow, and so much more turned a once ordinary town into a crusade of frozen fireworks. Everyone in the town was dressed warm and in white. A way to let all the colors show up on you. The brighter the colors appeared, the more luck you were said to have during the next year. It was a sight you have to be there in order to fully appreciate its beauty.
     Vendors of all kinds had set up booths filled with clothes and homemade food items. They lined every path and were too decorated with beads of light. Some booths held necklaces and scarves while others held paintings and candles. There were also small games here and there being played by the children. If you were lucky enough, you were able to win a small prize of some sort.
     Festivals were always very important to the northern regions. Even though all of the royalty were related, we hardly got to see one another. Festivals and other events such as the gala were held to bring not only our family but our regions together. With the Light Festival being the last festival of the year, it was nearly always the biggest.
     The dinner tonight would be hosting all of the leading royalty from each region. Fortunately, with Killian being the prince of the family hosting he would be able to attend as well. This was good in my case since the rest of my family were far too involved with politics and what sat on their heads to hold a decent conversation. It's not that I didn't love them, its just I would rather talk to people whose heads weren't two inches away from being inside their own asses.
     I wasn't exactly nervous for the dinner, it's just the uncertainty of how my family would behave or what they were going to ask that had my stomach in a knot. It was like sitting in front of a panel of judges. Each question you got wrong whether it be strictly opinionated or not was another five points off of whatever score they were conjuring.
     You had to sit a certain way, you had to speak a certain way. If you weren't dressed appropriately, you were sent out to change and not return without an apology for the "inconvenience". My Aunt Quairian, Queen of Arcalus, had come days before we left to make sure Genevieve and I were up to par. By that, I mean to her standards. If toes weren't painted and posture wasn't held, she would've never let us leave. I would hate to know what she would've said if she knew Genevieve and I were hungover this morning.
     Killian walked in front of us, leading us down one of the many bright paths that ran through the town. He was still going off about how Kara was such a nuisance to be around. I don't blame him, that girl made every possible attempt to get under him. It was disgusting really.

     "And did I tell you? She and her mother were able to talk Mom into letting them come tonight!" He exclaimed.

     "But this is a family dinner! Since when are we allowed to invite whoever wants to come?" I said. "Wait till Aunt Quairian hears about this."

     "Apparently my mother swears we are together, so she's considered family," Killian answered.

    "But the two of you aren't together." I reminded him.

     "Try telling her that. You know she's stubborn." He said.

     "That must run in the family," Genevieve said smiling.

     I rolled my eyes at her and continued to walk down the path while trying to console my little cousin.

     "Since the two of you aren't married, she will probably be seated across from you. I'll make sure to sit next to you so if she starts anything I can shut it down quickly." I reassured him.

     "I'm just going to tell them I'm gay." He said.

     "But you aren't," I said looking at him dumbly.

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