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It was taking my sister quite some time to get her shit together.

There were countless interruptions from girls walking into use the bathroom and having a mild meltdown when they saw me sitting on the floor beside Abby.

I was beginning to believe she was having me on to stall telling the truth. But I had all day to sit around and wait. My current class was chemistry and I wasn't sad to be missing out.

The door closed, giving us privacy again after a freshmen decided to wash her hands for an exceedingly long time and I gave Abby a nudge in the shoulder.

"Come on. Fess. I know he did something. And don't be mad at Flynn. He didn't—"

"I'm not mad at him," she mumbled with her knees pulled up to her chest. "I'm mad at me. This is pathetic. I should have listened, Luc. I should have."

She twirled her thumbs together and refused to meet my gaze while she admitted I was right. There weren't a lot of occasions she had come right out and told me I was right. I wasn't going to be smug about it though.

"Whatever happened, it's not like I wanted to be right," I told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I would have been fine if he'd proven me wrong and turned out to be a decent dude."

"He's far from a decent dude," she seethed, blotting the space beneath her eyes. Her mascara had created big black patches on her bags. "He's a little baby faced, lying piece of shit and I hope he fucking chokes to death on his girlfriends silicon tits."

As much as I wanted to hunt Tanner down and beat him back to birth, I knew giving Abby support was more important. She sat up and moved so she was sitting in front of me, allowing a view of her blotched cheeks and red eyes.

"He had a girlfriend," she snapped. "And I don't blame her for this. It's not her fault. But ugh. I feel stupid because— well yeah I liked him, I did. But the worst part, is that he used me. He used me to cheat on his girlfriend. That's what's so disappointing. Him turning out to be a total dipshit is something I can handle. But he had me going from the start."


"Yeah," she watched me with obvious apprehension for a moment.

She wanted to tell me something. But I could tell it made her nervous.

Eventually though, she looked down at her lap and sighed.

"I slept with him, Luc. I left Milly's, I caught a cab to his place and I slept with him. His girlfriend surprised us five minutes later. Talk about timing. What's the bet she had some idea about what a nob he is. Apparently everyone could see it apart from me."

I felt sick. I never wanted her first time to be regrettable. I wanted it to be with someone who loved her because I knew how much she believed in love.

I knew how much she wanted it. It was hard to keep cool but I swallowed the internal rage and shrugged a shoulder.

"I'm not going to gloat about it," I said. "I'm here. You can talk to me. You can ignore me. You can subtly hint that you want his teeth in the heel of my shoe—"

She laughed.

"I know I don't always have the best methods for getting the point across. But I really care about your happiness," I gave her shoulder a gentle tap. "I want the best. It was never about barring you from the male species as a whole. Just the shit ones. There's a lot of those unfortunately. Me included."

She smiled. "You're doing alright, Luc. I can tell you care about Amalia. You didn't hit on Milly once during the weekend."

"Yeah," I lowered my gaze thinking about the few comments I made during our phone call. "But this isn't about me. What do you need?"

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