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The sound of a girlish shriek broke through the fog of deep sleep I'd been under.

It registered with me just moments before a strong, cold as fuck, stream of water blasted me straight in the face.

I sat up, gasping. I didn't know where I was, I didn't know what had happened and I had no idea why the fuck I was on the back deck, sleeping on a pool chair with Abby beside me on the other one.

Dad was standing at the end of our chairs with the hose in one hand an a cold juice in the other.

His cap was on, his glasses resting on the brim. He pulled the trigger and another blast of cold water hit us both in the face. "Rise and shine assholes."

"Fuck off," I snapped and leaned back in the chair.

It was a good thing the sun was streaming straight down on us, or it would be fucking cold.

I was still half naked. My shirt was wrapped around my head and I pulled it off, sopping wet, and dropped it on the deck while dad laughed and Abby flipped him off.

She stood up and beelined straight for the back door. Dad showered her before she could disappear again.

That was when I noticed Milly lounged in the pool chair at the end of the deck. She was in her uniform, an ice tea in her hand, the straw between her lips which were raised in a smug smile. "Good morning."

"Where's Max?" I asked.

Dad pointed at the house with the glass of juice in his hand. "Great looking out, Luc," he said. "You left him on the drive last night and Mom almost ran his fucking head over with her truck this morning."

"Dude, I don't even remember coming home last night. Blame her," I pointed at Milly. "She was the sober one that dropped us off."

"Sorry, Mr Lahey," she said. "Lucas told me he had him. What was I going to do? He's twice my size."

Milly shrieked when Dad hit her with the hose again. The water soaked her carefully curled waves. "That's for calling me Mr Lahey. I've told you all a thousand times it makes me sound like an old cunt. It's also for not waking me up to tell me that my three moronic offspring were walking around the pool area, drunk as fuck."

"Don't blame her," I held my hands up just in time to block another shower. "She did her best. We weren't making it easy for her."

"You just told me to blame her," Dad slipped his shades off his head and on to his face. "Never mind though. None of you drowned and Max managed to avoid turning into roadkill on the drive this morning. But—"

I groaned. Nothing good could come of that but.

"Your mom, being the angel she is, has gone out to get a hangover breakfast for the three of you. Milly, you can fuck off to school," he said.

That didn't sound so bad. Of course, he wasn't done.

"And I took the day off work. Just to ensure the full effect of a hangover is drawn out and painful as hell. It's going to be a great day."

He sprayed me one last time and then dropped the hose before he walked inside. Asshole. I suppose we could be grateful he didn't make us go to school though.

Although, it was entirely possible that going to school would be the better option. It is Dad after all. Who know's what he plans on torturing us with.

I also had a feeling he would have taken the day off anyway. Max was leaving this afternoon and he would want to see him off. I wondered how he was doing.

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