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"— and so it turns out, I'd slept with her sister as well. It's a small world. Both of them ended up with their claws out, fighting over me. It was sort of hot. But then one of them got arrested—"

Thomas needed to remain on his floor. He shouldn't have been allowed to wander.

It was how we ended up with him spinning tales about his weekend for hours on end. It was even worse because Marnie wasn't at work today.

Her chair was vacant, which meant Thomas had somewhere to sit while he bold faced lied about two sisters fighting it out over him.

No disrespect, I just couldn't see that happening.

Jordan appeared beside the cubicle and dropped a stack of papers on my desk.

He pushed back his thick hair and stared down at Thomas who was twisting in Marnie's chair.

She'd be out for blood if she found out someone had sat in her seat and potentially ruined the mould her butt had created. She was proud of it.

"Contract one has a few clauses that need to be altered, the notes are on the post it," Jordan clicked his fingers and stared into the distance while he talked. "Contract two needs to be faxed out. It's waiting on a signature. I also need a couple of meetings scheduled. The client details are in the margin so pen them in and send me the confirmed times."

My pen flew across my note pad as I jotted down his instructions. Jordan tapped the cubicle wall and turned to leave but paused and pointed in the general direction of the exit.

"Can you pop out and get me a coffee as well please? Perhaps a sandwich. Depends if that place on the corner has egg salad and salami."

"Sure," I mumbled and shook my head at Thomas who was fiddling with Marnie's pens and pencils.

I was genuinely concerned for his life. She was going to murder him.

"Thomas," Jordan scowled. "Go downstairs. And stop touching Marnie's stuff. She'll flip a fucking desk and I'm not replacing her when she ends up in jail. She's a good two IC," he paused with thought. "When she's here."

Thomas shrugged and stood up, adjusting his brown leather belt with a smug expression. "She's good in the sack too."

Jordan shot him an evil look, but ignoring Thomas was the most effective method of dealing with him, so he left without a word.

I had to bite my tongue before I said something along the lines of, yeah well she said you were a total let down.

I wasn't in the business of starting drama or throwing Marnie under the bus though. So I settled for a more passive approach.

"I don't think HR want to hear you openly boasting about the female staff like that," I said. "It won't go down well if she files a harassment case."

He scoffed but his pale skin exposed the red patches that covered his neck before he left.

Marnie wouldn't do that. And the things she said were far worse.

But she said them to me. No one else. Her and I were friends. Thomas and I weren't.

So if he was talking about her with an almost stranger, I'd hate to think what else he said to his closer colleagues.

Even if it was 'praise' it sounded degrading.

When I was alone, I gave my attention to the post it notes I'd scrawled out. A list of mundane tasks that had me sighing with boredom as I tapped the mouse and opened Jordan's calendar.

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