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Double update. Read 74 first.

Bex and I stated our names for the record and then she gave me a gentle smile. "Abby, can you give me a brief run down of how that morning began and why you went to see Avery Hale in his office?"

"Mhmm. He'd taken me on as a client in New York and we had a meeting to discuss some potential jobs. He said that he had a few things that he wanted to discuss."

"And what happened when you arrived at his office? What was the atmosphere?"

"It was— normal," I nodded, focusing on her so that I could concentrate on what I was telling her. She had a round pair of retro glasses on and the ceiling lights reflected orbs in the lenses. "I went in, he was behind his desk, we talked about some previous photos that I'd done and then he mentioned the Victoria's Secret show and I remember being shocked but I also wanted the gig, a lot."

"Right," Bex smiled. "And at what point did he leave the desk?"

My shoulders lifted as I thought it over. "It wasn't long. We got through a few short sentences and then he stood up and went over to this inspiration board on the wall. At this stage, I was still in shock over the VS shoot but he told me to come and stand beside him. So I did."

"And there was still nothing uncomfortable about the situation?"


"Can you tell me what happened next?"

"Uh I expressed that I didn't think I'd meet the requirements for a runway. Height and figure, that sort of thing and he made an argument for plus size models believing the same thing," I paused and made sure that I had the events in order, of course, I was confident that I did, I'd thought about it over and over again since it happened. "So I asked if he really thought I could do it and he put his hand on my lower back and said that we could help each other out."

"Your lower back?"


"So was this the point where the atmosphere shifted?"


"Can you please walk us through what happened next? And Abby, I know it's difficult to talk about, so please, take your time and go at your own pace."

She gave me a kind smile and I held her gaze for a moment until I looked past her at Flynn. He knew what happened. I'd told him in detail so I watched him while I spoke, somehow feeling less weight knowing that he'd heard it before. His expression was proud.

"I asked him what he was doing. I remember feeling panicked and scared because I had a feeling that I knew where it was going and I didn't want to be put in that position. He um— his hand moved to the front and he—"

"Sorry to interrupt," Bex said, but for the record, you will need to be specific. What does front mean?"

My face warmed up. "He— his hand ran along the outside of my pants on my— my vagina."

She nodded and looked apologetic but gestured for me to continue.

"He told me that if I did him a favour, he could help me. Because I wouldn't go far in the industry. He said that I was too short and too wide and visually ordinary. He kept repeating if I help him then he'll help me."

Bex nodded. "And in your own words, with as much detail as you're able to recall, cna you please describe what happened from that moment until you left Mr Hale's office."

I took a deep breath and continued watching Flynn. He gave me a nod of encouragement.

"He put his hands into my pants and I remember thinking that I wish I'd worn jeans. I told him that I appreciated the offer but I had a boyfriend so I couldn't. I was scared to seem hostile because I was worried about my career. He told me that it would be a secret and that my boyfriend would want to see me succeed—"

Pure Belleza | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz