Chapter 2

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After my two days were up I had to move into a new house with Rodney. Rodney is one of the agents on the mission another agent is named Erika and I have no fucking clue what the last agent is named because I don't give a damn.

The other two agents live in a house together on the other side of least I don't have to talk to all of them, just the jackass I live with.

I start work at one of Raiden's clubs tonight. Rodney is going to be working at a hotel. The other two agents I have no clue where they work they most likely are working at some building that Raiden owns. I didn't really pay attention to them after they said they lived on the other side of town.

"Keira!" Rodney shouts from the living room of our temporary home.

"What!" I growl stomping out of my new room.

"You're gonna be late so if I were you I would get your ass to work before you screw this mission up on the first day" he smirks turning back to the tv. I flip him off as I walk to the door.

We all start our jobs at different times and I just so happened to be the one who has to start work way before the others. I was told two hours ago that I was accepted to work at the club tonight. Just my luck.

"I'll be at the club later with the others since Raiden will be there" Rodney flips through channels trying to find one worth his time.

"Don't bother dropping by you'll just blow our cover" I slam the door on my way out. They better stay away tonight. There is literally no need for them to show up at the club tonight.

I walk into the club and I'm met with loud music and people dancing while drinking. I see Raiden, a women and a guy standing by the door obviously waiting on me. Damn, I forgot that Raiden looked better in person. I didn't realize how much I missed seeing his face.

"You're late" Raiden crossed his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, I already figured that out but thanks for the reminder" I decided against patting his shoulder because I need this job for this mission to work out. Personally, I think I could pull this off faster without going to work at this club.

Raiden looked at me intensely before turning his head to the side where the woman was.

"This is Amanda the manager she will get you situated for tonight and she'll give you your work schedule and I expect you to be on time next time or you'll be finding a new job to pay your bills" he gave me a stern look before turning to the guy next to him whispering in his ear.

"I'll be back later with some friends to see how you're doing," Raiden says before walking out with his friend.

Amanda turns to me telling me to follow. I follow groaning I'm thankful for the music is loud enough to cover my groan. Amanda leads me back to the where a bunch of lockers are located.

She looks at my body before grabbing a large stack of uniforms.

"Go change then I'll show you around" she pushed me into the bathroom so I could change. I change into the uniform that consists of a crimson-colored button-up shirt and black dress pants.

I look at myself in the mirror, damn I look good. I grab my clothes then walk out of the bathroom. Amanda handed me a bag for my clothes.

"You can put your stuff in this locker always come to work wearing your uniform" Amanda leads me to an empty locker. Amanda starts showing me around the club she tells me the do's and the do not's.

"Your job is to take orders from Raiden and his group that comes in here. You'll be stationed behind this counter you will give drinks out to the people at the bar until they walk in. You have to keep watch because they are impatient as hell" I nod my looking at the section where maiden and some of his men will be at.

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