Chapter 10

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Raiden didn't return for hours. I had to sit in his room for hours with nothing to do. I started to get drowsy so I went over to Raiden's bed.

I slid my shoes off before I crawl under the blankets. It didn't take long before I slipped into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to the sun shining brightly through the window. I groan rubbing a hand over my face.

I look down when I noticed a heavy weight on my stomach. I relax when I see it's only Raiden's arm.

Raiden pulls me closer his eyes searching every inch of my face. I crack a smile in which he returns.

"Good morning beautiful" he places a kiss on my forehead.

"More like afternoon" I chuckle looking at the clock. Raiden turns his body to look at the clock that sat on the end table next to the bed.

"Oh well, then I guess good afternoon beautiful" he kissed my forehead once more.

I roll my eyes pushing myself up from the bed. Raiden groans pulling me back to the bed.

"Why can't you just lay here with me" he whines burying his head into my neck.

I sigh wrapping my arms around him. I inhale his sent as we lay there in each other's arms.

"My sister and her adoptive mom should be at the house later tonight" Raiden mumbles into my neck.


"Are you gonna be ok with her there?" he pulls away from me studying me while I was silent.

"Yeah I should be don't worry about me"

"Keira I'll always worry about you and I'll always care about what you think so tell me love, are you really gonna be able to stand being in the same room as my sister?"

"Raiden I'm gonna be ok and as long as I get timeouts then I should be good"

"What the fuck are you talking about timeouts?"

"I get too overwhelmed I can step out of the room," I say smiling cheekily.

"Ok, I guess you can get timeouts" Raiden chuckles.

"Great now if your done wasting time I would like to get back to our home" Raiden eyes widen before he smirks.

"I like the sound of our home" I roll my eyes at Raiden before I get out of bed. I throw on my shoes on before heading to the door.

"All of the money you got last night is out in your car" Raiden informs.

"Oh shit I forgot about that"

"Yeah I figured that part out when you left it all outside last night"

I give him a sheepish smile before I left the room. I managed to get out of the house before I ran into anyone.

Once outside I saw a shit ton of people just chilling with their friends out in the front lawn. Well, this must be why there was barely any people inside.

"Hey, Keira is it?" I turn around to see the guy that asked why I smelled like cinnamon.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm Jonah Raiden's best bud though he will never admit to it because he is a what's the word I'm looking for?" Jonah stops to think for a second.

"An Asshole?" I ask making Jonah shake his head.

"He doesn't want to seem like a bitch?" I ask.

"That and he's not a label giver" Jonah crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well I'm am and I'll tell you right now that Raiden is a-" I get cut off by Raiden himself.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, love" Jonah bites his lip to keep from laughing.

"Hey you have no idea what I was gonna say"

"I have a feeling you were gonna say something like Raiden is a punk ass bitch" I smirk knowing I've said that to someone before but not him.

"What no I was gonna say that you are a very caring boyfriend and I'm highly offended that you would think I would use those words in the same sentence as your name"

"Alright I'm sorry"

"And as am I" Raiden looks at me in confusion.

I nod towards Jonah who turned on the hose. I sprayed Raiden with the more until he was soaked. Jonah turned the hose off before making his way towards me. Raiden opened his eyes glaring at us.

"Run!" Jonah shouts before sprinting off in a random direction.

I spin around running for my car. I make it there ripping the door open. I see Jonah making his way towards my car as well with Raiden hot on his trail.

I start my car throwing open the passenger door just as Jonah makes it to the car.

One he's in I speed off down the road. I quickly turn the wheel doing a turn before driving off down the way we came. I speed in and out of traffic making sure not to hit anyone.

"Jeez woman slow down he's not following us!" Jonah shouts gripping onto his seat for dear life.

"Ok ok just making sure to put some distance between us and him" I laugh slowing the car down.

I watch as Jonah relaxed in his seat. He should be used to speed chases by now. It hit me like a bird hitting a glass building. He's never been in a speed change before.

"How the hell have you not been in a speed chase before?" I glance at him.

"Raiden's gang is the most feared gang," he said in a duh tone.

"No shit"

"It means that people are too scared to double cross us or run for their lives knowing we'd get them faster than a cheetah going after its prey"

"Well, clearly they ain't sending you out to catch anybody if they do decide to run" Jonah sent me a glare.

I park the car into Raiden's driveway. I get out and grab a few bags of money. Jonah gets out grabbing the last few bags for me.

I head up to my room throwing the bags on the bed. Jonah does the same with the bags he had.

"You don't share a room with Raiden?"

"No, I like my personal space"

"I don't believe that for a second" Jonah smirked.

"I've been keeping somewhat of a distance, to be honest"

"Why what's so wrong with you being with Raiden?"

"There's nothing wrong with that it's just-" I stop talking when I hear a car door shut.

"It's just what?" it's just I hurt him I can't trust myself to not do it again.

"Raiden's home" I push past Jonah running towards the door.

I run down the stairs stopping inform of Raiden smiling.

"Hey, how was your ride?" I ask rolling back and forth on my feet.

"It was wet. Keep in mind that I will get you two back" mischief flashed through his eyes before he made his way upstairs.

Happy Halloween🎃👻💀

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