Chapter 12

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It's been around a month and a week since Liberty and Harper moved in. I've gotten really close to liberty which is surprising considering the fact that I couldn't even look at her if we were in the same room when she first arrived.

Harper, on the other hand, doesn't really enjoy my presence I think Raiden might have to her what I do for a living. I don't get why she hates me and not him. Raiden has a choice to be in that gang of his where I was forced into Red Cipher by my parents.

I was currently watching tv with Raiden, Harper, and Liberty when my phone goes off.

I answer it without checking the caller ID.


"Liberty Scott" Manny growls from the other side of the phone.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't what me you know God damn well what I'm talking about"

"I'm afraid I do not"

"Agent stone you are pushing buttons with this agency that you should not"

"Manny I can assure you that I have absolutely no fucking idea about what you talking out"

"Liberty Scott is not dead is what I'm on about!"

"What do you mean not dead I watched her die I used my favorite method"

"Well, clearly she didn't die because she was seen walking the streets with a woman yesterday!"

"Who saw them, Manny?"

"That doesn't matter all that matters is that you get your ass down here so you can go in the box for failing yet another mission!"

"Hell no I didn't fail shit which means I am not going back in that box. How would you feel if I shoved your sorry ass in a box for a month for failing this agency!?" I shout into the phone.

"Get here now!"

"I think I'm good" I hang up sending a glare at Harper.

"What part of stay the fuck inside do you not understand" I snap.

"I'm a grown woman I can do whatever I want with my child"

"Newsflash bitch the reason you're here is to protect Liberty from Red Cipher and you can't do that when your ass is walking the streets where a shit tone of agents live"

"Keira, calm down she didn't know," Raiden says placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off getting up from the couch.

"I'd get some more of your men here if I were you Raiden Red Cipher knows Liberty is alive and they will stop at nothing to make sure she is no longer her"

"Where are you going?" he asked watching me head towards the door.

"I gotta go and get put in the box I'll see you when I see you" Raiden grabs my hand stopping me from leaving.

"Stay safe" he places his lips on mine before pulling away really quick.

"Aren't I always?"

"Not when you run up and down the stairs" he laughs I flip him off as I walk out the door.

When I get to HQ Manny was waiting with a pissed of look. He roughly grabbed my arm as he started to drag me toward one of the boxes.

He opened the door shoving me in there. He walked in after me. He put handcuffs on my hands and feet that were chained to the wall. Well, this is different.

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