Chapter 20

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Raiden and I were casually laying on the couch watching whatever was playing on the tv when the doorbell rang. I get up from the couch and head to the door.

I open the door seeing two young girls. One girl seemed to be around 11 and the other one was around 4 or 5. Their clothes were a bit overworn, their winter coats weren't that thick and they had a few minor bruises on them.

"May I help you girls with something?" I asked.

"My name is Zola and this is my younger sister Lilith we are selling cookies to try an keep the orphanage up and running so we all don't have to split up so soon would you like to buy some?" Zola asked hopefully. Whoever owns this building clearly can't afford this building if they are sending the children out to make money.

"I can do you one better than buying cookies" I smile.

"How?" Zola asked. I hold up a finger to them as I went to go grab a coat that Raiden bought me earlier today.

"Where are you going?" Raiden asked when I came back down.

"I'm gonna go make a few calls and then I'm going to buy a building"I smile.

"What building?" he asked looking up at me with an approving smile.

"I'll tell you later when it's mine" I peck his lips before walking out the door. The girls were still waiting on the porch when I came out.

"Let's go," I say leading them towards my car. I open the back door for them and they get in buckling up.

I drive to the orphanage they came from. This place looks like shit. We walk inside and it didn't get any better. I talk to the owner about buying this place and thankfully he agrees.

A few days go by before the building is mine. I make a few calls to a few people who owe me huge favors. When I told Raiden about the place and how I needed more people than the ones I have to help me fix this place up he made some of his people come and help out.

Raiden was happy that I found something to do after I was released from Red Cipher.

The Orphanage looked 100% better than when I first walked into the place. It took Raiden's people only two weeks to finish repainting, fixing and replacing the things inside and outside of the house.

I bought the kids new clothes and shoes to replace the shitty things they had before I bought the place.

"Hey Keira" Zola shouted from a circle of kids. I make my way over there sitting on the floor in the circle with them.

"What's up?" I asked looking towards the door when Raiden walked in.

"Can we put up a Christmas tree?" she asked I shift my gaze to her.

"A what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A Christmas tree," she said slowly.

"I know what you said but I don't know what it is," I say earning a gasp from the kids. Raiden laughs from behind me.

"It's a thing people do for Christmas and please tell me you know what Christmas is" I shake my head slowly.

The kids gasp again and that's when Raiden explained everything about Christmas to me.

"Why are people ok with a big day hairy dude watching over kids to see if they are bad or good!" I shout standing up.

"He's not really real, love" Raiden whispers in my ear.

"No shit," I say giving Raiden a playful glare.

"I'm just making sure" he laughs.

"Ok let's go get these kids a fake Christmas tree," I say grabbing Raiden's hand. I wave goodbye to Sally the woman I hired to look after the kids. Since I can't be here all the time I needed someone to look after them. After I saw the last woman hitting a child I fired her ass fast than Santa delivering presents to the kids on Christmas night.

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