Chapter 21

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The weeks went by in a blur and before I know it its Christmas eve. I was going to go to bed early but just as I was about to go to sleep Raiden told me to get dressed.

I throw on some clothes before I walk downstairs.

"This better be good because I'm tired" I whine.

"Its good trust me," he says leading me outside to his car.

Raiden shuts my door then makes his way to his side. Raiden starts driving down the road I know all too well. The Orphanage comes into view and I start to get excited to see Zola and Lilith.

Raiden parks next to the house and we both get out. I look over at Raiden.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as we walk to the door.

"The girls have something they want to ask you" Raiden pushes the door open.

Zola and Lilith were waiting near the door. Their faces light up when they see me.

"You made it" Zola smiles at me.

"Uh yeah I didn't really have a choice" I chuckled looking at Raiden who shut the door behind us.

Raiden shrugs as he walks into the living room. The girls follow behind him and I follow the girls.

They all sit down on the couch. They wait for me to sit on the chair in front of the couch.

I sit down slowly a bit creeped out by all of their intense stares. Once I sit down I wait.

"So you all just gonna sit there and stare at me creepily or tell me why I had to give up sleep to come here?" I raise an eyebrow.

The girls both look at Raiden who nods his head and the girls turn back to me.

"We were wondering if maybe you would like to um.." Zola stops talking clearly nervous.

"Can we adopt them!?" Raiden shouts excitedly at me. What!?

They all look at me hopefully. Oh shit, they're waiting for an answer.

"Sure why not" I give them a smile. I've grown attached to these girls since they first came to the house. The girls tackle me in a hug.

I could see Raiden bouncing in excitement in his spot on the sofa. I wrap my arms around the girls pulling them closer to me.

I let them go smiling. Raiden hands me some papers. I sign them and hand them back.

"I made a few calls a few weeks ago so we could take them home after we signed the adoption papers I just got to fax these papers over to my friend and then we can take them home with us" (no clue how this shit works so just bear with me 😀) Raiden leaves the room.

"Anything you girls need to pack?" I ask standing up.

"Just a few clothes you bought us," Zola says.

"Come on let's go pack them" I grab their hands leading them upstairs where their room is.

We pack their clothes and head back downstairs. Raiden was waiting by the door.

"Ready to go?" he asked. We nod our heads walking out the door when Raiden opened it for us.

The girls get in the back of the car. Lilith was placed in a booster seat that was already in the back. Wait how long for has that booster seat been in here?

When we get home Raiden showed the girls to the rooms he set up in case I said yes. The rooms were the girls' favorite colors and had many toys for them.

"Can we watch a movie?" Lilith asks after she changed into her pajamas.

"Yeah what mo-"

"The Grinch" Lilith cut me off by shouting and running out of the room. She runs halfway down the stairs before Raiden catches her.

"Don't run down the stairs or you'll get hurt" he scolds her making her slow her pace.

"Sorry" once she was off the stairs she runs to the living room.

"Where is Zola?" Lilith asked looking around the living room for her sister.

"I'll go tell her we are watching a movie" I walk back up the stairs and to Zola's room.

Zola sat on her bed reading a book she brought with her. The more I looked at her the more I realized she wasn't actually reading the book she was just staring at the page.

"You ok Zola?" I sat next to her on the bed. She jumped looking at me.

"You're not gonna take us back to the orphanage are you?"

"What makes you think that we would take you back?"

"Kids always get sent back there"

"Well sorry to tell you this but you and your sister are stuck with Raiden and me. You're apart of this family now and we don't turn our back on family" I wrap my arm around d her shoulder bringing her closer to me.


"Even if you girls mess up you're stuck with Raiden and me till the day we die"I smile down at her.

"Well just to let you know we mess up a lot" she giggles.

"I'm not asking you girls to be perfect because nobody is. I just want you girls to be yourselves"

"Thank you" she gives me a hug in which I return.

"Come on your sister wants to watch the Grinch" I get up holding my hand out to her.

She takes my hand and we head downstairs. Raiden and Lilith were on the couch half asleep when we reached the living room.

"You guys want to just go to bed?" I ask looking down at them.

"No!" they both shout at me. I hold my hands up.

"Ok ok damn it was just a question" I take a great next to Zola how sat down next to her sister.

It doesn't take long for the girls to fall asleep. I get up from the couch and help Raiden take the girls to their rooms. Once I tucked Lilith in I went to Raiden's room which we now share starting tonight.

Raiden walks in surprised to see me sprawled out on his bed. He smiles at me while shaking his head.

"I'm gonna take a shower you can join me if you like"

"Did you say something Raiden because I couldn't hear you over me trying to sleep" I send him a playful glare before rolling over so my back is facing him. I hear Raiden walk into the bathroom and shut the door. A few minutes later the water is turned on.

I pull the blankets over me and I instantly fall asleep.

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