Part 23

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Unknown POV

I thought that bitch was fucking dead since she just vanished into thin air all those years ago, now that she's in the picture all my plans are going to go down the drain.

She shouldn't be breathing, none of them should be. My revenge is supposed to be over, she should be dead just like that fucking piece of shit she so stupidly crushed on. I should have my happily ever after, not her.

Why would such a good looking, filthy rich, and a ruthless business tycoon as Tyrone fall for such a dumb ass bitch. Sure she's kind of beautiful, but does that give her the right to saunter around like she owned the damn world.

I have to make sure my plans go unhindered, I can't afford losing after coming this far. I grabbed my phone off of the counter, and dialled a number. "Hello!" Their voice rung through the phone.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that that bitch was alive, and that it was her company we're dealing with?" I asked angrily.

"Calm your fucking balls down! I didn't do it because I was one hundred percent sure you'd abandon our plan like the fucking coward you are!" They half shouted.

"I wouldn't do that! I would be more than thrilled to finish the job, and get rid of her annoying ass." I denied.

A scoff resonated. "Then why is your voice trembling like a pathetic slut caught cheating. Quit lying and start planning if you want your little secret to stay safe." They advised before hanging up.

I gripped the phone tightly in my hand trying to control myself from releasing my anger on the poor object. If only I wasn't in desperate need of help, I wouldn't allow anybody to treat me like that.

It only fuelled my hate for the bitch that goes by the name of Zel-fucking-da, why would she still have everything I thought I snatched from her. Why was she still standing on her own fucking feet, as if mocking me and my miserable failure. How come she managed to compensate for everything she lost with ten fold the previous amount. Be it money or family. She has this whole mother-fucking country in her grip.

I was distracted from my rage-full thoughts by tiny hands pulling on my clothes. I looked down and the fucking baby was about to open her mouth to utter another whining complaint. "GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM!" I boomed, startling the little girl to tears. "HAVEN'T YOU HEARD ME?" I yelled again when her annoying hiccups increased, but still made no movement at all, fuelling my anger more. More tears poured out of her already puffy eyes before she run out of the room.

"Fucking annoying children." I mumbled.

Now that I am alone I had to think of how and when to make my next move. Zelda will be going down. I'll make sure of it, even if it is the last thing I do.

Third person POV

Tyrone on the other hand was both panicked and excited at the same time. Panicked because he feared for the baby's life amongst all of the things happening in his mother's life because it could easily affect the pregnancy if she was to stress a lot. Just like what happened to her when she was pregnant with Arcadia, she was too stressed with the company and what seem figure out later to be her hunting down those responsible for his accident that she almost miscarried. The doctors had to advice with strict bed rest for at least two months due to the possibility of losing the baby being at its highest levels.

And now was no difference, she is too involved in this mind game she's playing with God knows who to be able to pull out. He was worried how she would deal with it if God forbid his fears ever came true.

However he was excited to have another child with her. Since he grew up with a big family himself, he always has this dream of having a lot of kids. He knew that Zelda liked to have more kids too, even though she always tease him about his little dream of having at least nine kids. She thinks that family members are the only people that will stick with through thick and thin, and she wanted her kids to have someone to lean on in times of need and when the whole world turns their back on them.

Tyrone laid behind her, circling her waist with his arms while rubbing his palm on her stomach, still swimming in his own thoughts. Unaware that she woke up, and looking up at him puzzlingly after turning around in his arms. "What's on your mind?" She asked caressing his left cheek.

He snapped his head down to her. "Nothing, just random stuff." He replied.

"You know?" She asked knowingly.

He looked at her confused for a second before her words sunk in. "You already knew?" He asked. "And you didn't bother to tell me?" He continued slightly offended.

"I wasn't sure. I just guessed it, and was going to check tomorrow that's why I didn't tell you. Besides I kind of expected your reaction that's why I wanted to make sure before telling you." She said.

"What do mean you expected my reaction?" He asked frowning.

"The same one you had few minutes ago. You're overthinking things. Nothing is going to happen since I'm well prepared this time, I'm and will always be ten steps ahead of them." She assured, still caressing his cheek.

"Are you sure?" He was still suspicious.

"When have I ever made an empty promise?" She asked.

He nodded. "Just know that I'm always here with you, and I'll make sure you and our baby are okay, okay?" He said looking at her lovingly while leaning into her touch.

"I know." She assured. "Besides, you know the kids will fuss about having a new sibling that they'll be there for me all the time, especially Egan since he never missed a moment of his siblings'." She giggled lightly when she imagined how cute their expressions would be when they'll tell them.

"Indeed." Tyrone was smiling as he looked at his wife lovingly. He was somewhat relieved when she assured him of their safety, he would hate himself if anything happened to his wife or their unborn child.

He was going to protect them even if it was the last thing he does.

Little did he know that his wife's past demons have just made an alliance with her present enemies, and are sparing no effort to bring their family down.


Hey, lovelies.

Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time, happy reading and stay safe.


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