Extra Chapter 1

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8 Years Ago.

Zelda Argyros POV

It's been a whole year since I married Tyrone.

Things are calm, outrageously formal between the two of us, but calm for me.

No feelings, no worries, no attachment, no nothing.

I don't need to explain a lot of things to him- in fact I barely talk with him, and I don't demand from him to explain any of his actions or why he's barely home some days.

I've never even asked him about my little bundle of joy's mother because I know that will open a can of worms on me. I don't want to deal with anything just yet.

My little boy is already a handful, I can't go to the company without him. He keeps on crying if I ever sneak on him until I come back.

I remember once I came back an hour after midnight only to hear my little one crying heart-wrenchingly loud from the door to the mansion, and when I rushed up stairs to see what was going on with him I found Tyrone walking back and forth in the room with him in his arms.

My little boy's face was tomato red and hiccuping out loud, my heart clenched at the sight in front of me. "What's wrong with him? Since when is he crying?" I asked Tyrone as I advanced towards them.

When he heard my voice his once tightly shut cute eyes shot open and started wiggling out of his father's arms while holding his hands out for me. I took him in my arms and started rocking him back and forth slowly, he then immediately stopped crying and started sucking his tiny thumb while clutching my shirt with his small hands.

"Since he woke up and realised you left him alone." Tyrone said somewhat tiredly.

I looked at him closely, his eyes are a bit reddish, his neck seems to be stiff seeing that he keeps on messaging it with his hand. He seemed in desperate need of some sleep.

"Did he eat anything?" I asked him instead of showing my concerns.

Tyrone shook his head. "No, he refused to. He would throw everything away without even sparing it a glance. The kitchen is a mess." He complained.

Once Egan hit one we decided to start feeding him actual food instead of only baby formulas- mainly soggy fruits like bananas and yogurts.

Tyrone and I would take turns feeding him to let him get used to his dad, he used to not let anybody carry him but me. Not even his father, so I decided to include Tyrone in our everyday life.

Even though I preferred staying as far from him as possible to avoid any future complications, I had to do it for Egan. He can't grow not knowing his father.

So he started to have breakfast with us and help me tuck him in no matter how busy he is.

It was kind of hard at first because Tyrone was most of the time not home. It was just me, Egan and the workers.

But when we had a conversation about how Egan isn't familiar with him he started making time for him no matter how tight his schedule was.

And even after so many months, he still let him feed him only when I'm around.

"Come on let's put something inside this tummy." I said dramatically, then I started rubbing my nose all over his stomach making him giggle loudly.


I finished making Egan's baby formula before giving it to Tyrone to feed him, my little boy kept his eyes trained on me as I make my way behind the island. Only when he made sure I was not going anywhere did he allow his father to feed him.

I fixed Tyrone something quickly since I know he hasn't eaten anything yet, then after a short while I headed back to the table with his plate on my hand.

"You didn't need to." He said, taking the plate out of my hand.

"I know." I simply stated. I was awkward with giving and receiving complements and expressing gratitude. One of the reasons why I loved that motherfucker so dearly, there was no need for such things in our relationship. What I once thought was mutual understanding and love was everything but that.

"You will go with him tomorrow?" Tyrone asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Most probably, or I can work from here until he recovers." I answered.

He was referring to our little troublemaker, I usually go with him to the company that I just started since it's new and I needs every last minute of my time for it to reach where I want it to.

However Egan caught a cold and it's freezing outside which is why I decided to stay in our house today but then I got an important call from one of my clients and I had to sneak on him after I tucked him to sleep after checking his temperature.

I didn't think he's going to wake up before I come, since his favourite time of waking up is usually 2 a.m. His sleeping time is pretty much jumbled up and no matter how much I tried to create a schedule for him he always ends up with his sticking to his own schedule.

"But your company is still pretty much new and clients of newfound companies prefer to see the owner in action to rest assured about their money." Tyrone said.

He's been of a great help since I started this company, always giving me advices on what to do and how to do it.

Despite how formal we treat each other, he still helped me a lot in realising what I want.

"Egan is sick. The company can wait." I said while feeding Egan. I took over from Tyrone to let him have his dinner, besides I like to take care of my little boy personally.

Egan looked a little too sleepy than usual which made me worry a bit since it takes a lot to put him back to sleep after he wakes up, so to see him sleepy only a couple of hours after he was awake tugged at my heart.

But I knew it was because of the fever, so I was less worried.

"Come on, baby, the last one." I urged once he moved my hand away from his mouth, indicating he was full.

"Mama." He said smiling brightly at me and starts speaking some gibberish baby talk that I had no idea what it was about.

So yeah, calm is the right word for my feelings right now.


Hey, lovelies!

So here's the first chapter of the extras.

Hope you enjoy it.

Until next time.


Her Wrath |Completed| ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon