Part 30

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Tyrone Argyros POV

"Mr. Argyros, there's a phone call for you." Linda, my assistant said through the phone.

"Who is it?"

"A man called Brandon, saying it is urgent." She informed.

Bradley? Why the fuck would he call my office? "Connect the call!"

She did as I instructed, and moments later his voice filled the silence. "Boss, I'm afraid we have a situation." He said the moment the call connected.

"What fucking situation that is so urgent that you couldn't wait until you use a secure line!" I half-yelled angrily.

"It's your wife, sir." He said, a little intimidated.

"Stop with the fucking suspense, and tell me what's wrong with my wife!"

"She's digging too deep, it's only a matter of time before she figures everything out." He tried to sound calm, but I could tell from his tone that he was more scared than he should. Which was weird, why would he be anxious of Zelda finding out. It's me who should be!

"If she's that close, it only means that your fucking people are throwing loops and traces everywhere!" I was getting angrier each passing moment. I don't appreciate the fact that she's close to find everything out. "Deal with it, Brandon! I would hate to know that I was wrong with my judgment on you. Don't prove me wrong." I ordered sternly.

"Yes, boss!" He complied, I was about to hang up when his voice rung in my ears again. "Tyrone!" Oh, so now I'm Tyrone! I swear sometimes I think I'm dealing with two pregnant women instead of one. He switches between formal and informal whenever he fucking wished, and nobody can do anything to fix it.

"Yes, Brandon!"

"I don't think it's a good idea to keep her in the dark for too long, especially since she's pregnant." He advised.

"I know, if she gets to know about it I don't know what she'll do especially since I was deprived from being there for my daughter's birth." I sighed, I feel tiredness slowly creeping into my system just thinking of her reaction. She's one hell of a hard-headed scary woman when angry. "But weren't you the one who said you didn't want her to know about anything?" I asked confused.

"Telling her about it doesn't necessarily mean she has to know about me. I'm telling you not keep her in the dark about something that concerns you." The son of a bitch kept emphasising the YOUS.

"Fuck off already!"

"Fine, but don't you come to me later saying I didn't advice you." He had a hint of amusement in his fucking voice. He was actually having the time of his life on my account.

"I would like seeing how you're going to act in these situations when you get a wife like my Zelda! I'll be rubbing salt on your fucking wounds then, son of a bitch!" I said before cutting the call when I heard him laughing his ass off.

I rubbed my face, slightly tired from all the work that was piled up on my desk.

Zelda said to be there at time, I wouldn't risk being the victim to her hormones if I ever got late to the boys' birthdays. Surprisingly enough, the three knights were born on the same day, but different years.

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