Part 45

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Just a small clarification for all of my dear readers.

For those who think that Martha is the 'Unknown person' from the previous chapter, she is not. She will be Zelda's close friend until the end, there won't be any negative changes in her character. Neither is it Mason since the person is a female as mentioned in an earlier chapter and in the previous one too.

Now, onto the story. Hope you enjoy!


Zelda Argyros POV

"I think it's high time we talked." An all too familiar voice came through the kids room's door.

I was breastfeeding the twins after I bathed and changed them. The only way to put these little devil spawns to sleep is only if they were latching onto my breast, I can't even fool them with a pacifier. They will immediately poke their little tongues out of their mouths to spit it out, and sometimes they don't even drink they just keep it in their mouths while clutching my clothes in their tiny fists.

"What do you want, Brandon?" I said putting a sleeping Quinn down in his crib after burping him, and picking Cy up to feed him too.

I didn't bother to turn around to meet his eyes nor was I that eager to hear whatever he was about to disclose.

I didn't believe him, I didn't trust him, so there was no need to show fake attention.

"Face me while talking, Zelda." He ordered sternly.

I laughed at his action, my back still facing him. "Do you think we're still toddlers, that I'm still the 10 years old Zelda, Brady?" The young me would have kissed his feet without him even asking. I worshiped him that much, and what I got in return?


He left me when I needed him the most, he didn't even come back when he knew that our dad passed away, he didn't come back when I was being conned out of my life, he didn't come to my rescue when I was being hunted down by those goons.

He chose himself.

And now I choose myself.

"Don't fucking test my patience and turn around, I'm not Tyrone that would bear your tantrums silently!" He almost shouted.

"I fucking dare you to curse like that in front of my kids!" I hissed venomously glaring at him. "I'm not the little girl who goes by your orders like they're holy words. I am my own person, I heed to no one but my husband, so don't you dare waltz into my life again thinking that by a single snap of your fingers you'd have me under your command once again." I was pissed he would think that I'm nothing but a whining bitch that isn't able of anything but complaining to her loaded hubby.

"Little sis, I just want to talk." He said sighing tiredly. "Please, I just want to clear the waves of misunderstanding between us so that we can start freshly." He pleaded.

"Please look at me?" He said when I didn't react to his plea.

"There's no need to show fake attention, no need for courtesies, we're family after all." I emphasised on the word 'family' sarcastically.

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