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"Remember what I said about the female species," Ebuka said with a broad grin. "Give them an inch and they'd take a mile. Always put your foot down with them. Always."

"Sure. Good night, bro." Max gave a grin of his own then walked Ebuka to the door.

When Max made his way back inside, he promptly discarded Ebuka's advice. The man wasn't married to Sharon. Sharon was not the type of woman that one 'puts their foot down' on. She might just chop off the leg for good measure.

He chuckled at the thought, then the sound died on his lips as a pang of guilt hit him. Why was he such an idiot? He shouldn't have talked to Sharon like that. She had a legit reason to make him turn it down a bit but he did not want to make it seem as though his wife was controlling him in front of the guys. Next time—yeah—next time he would just do as she says.

It took Max about twenty minutes to clean the living area in the exact way Sharon liked it. All the while he cleaned, he dreaded going upstairs. Was she still awake? She had left him over an hour ago. There was a probability she was already sleeping.

"Please God, let her be sleeping." He took his time as he made his way up the stairs. How did he forget the 'happy wife, happy life' rule of thumb? All his bros were at their own homes now; none would join him to face the dragon.

When he got to the door, he paused and thought of what to say.

Just apologize, fool. Yep, apology would work.

He entered the bedroom mouth first. "Babe, I am so sor—"

Max's heart did a slow sink to his stomach. "Sharon!"

Rushing to her side, he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her. When her neck lolled to the side, there was a ringing in his ears.

"Sharon baby... Jesus. No, no..." he looked around, confusion and panic ruining his ability to think straight. "Sharon, please—" His throat closed up as he shook her some more. "Oh God what happened? Babe!" He pressed his ear to her chest and relief washed over him when he heard the thump in her chest. It was slow. Why was it slow?

He lifted her off the floor, his heart tearing at how limp her body was. His legs weren't fast enough. All the while he grabbed his key, placed her in the back seat, and drove to the nearest hospital, he couldn't help thinking it was all his fault.


Max called Mark. He was the only one he could trust enough to come to the hospital at that time. It had been about two hours. They had carried out a MIR scan on her. No one was telling him anything useful and he was close to losing his mind.


He looked up in time to see Mark rushing over. Max let his gaze drop, fighting emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. When Mark sat next to him, Max couldn't get a word out. His throat had closed up. All the while he gathered himself, tears pressed at the back of his eyes, making him rob his eyes and take deep breaths.

"What are they saying?"

"Nothing that makes sense." Max leaned forward, weaving his fingers over the back of his neck. "I am terrified." His eyes watered and he blinked hard. "What is happening?"

"It will be fine."

Max looked his friend in the eye. "You don't know that. What if it's something terrible—something that can't be reversed?"

"It wouldn't be."

"You don't know that," Max repeated, his voice breaking. A tear slipped. He wiped at it but another followed immediately. He let it be. "She told me to turn the volume down, that she was having a bad headache. But I didn't listen. I didn't." His chest constricted.

"I'm sorry, bro. So, so sorry."

"Mr Roberts?"

Max sprung to his feet, wiping his eyes with his sleeves as he approached the doctor. Her expression was grim. "Come with me, please."

All the while Max trailed after her, his heart went crazy in his chest; slamming, dipping then constricting within him. He wouldn't be able to take it. Whatever they were about to tell him, he knew he wouldn't be strong enough to take it.

He only just realized Sharon was his rock. He knew little of hospitals or how it worked. He had very little reasons to come visit all his life. He came from a relatively healthy family and—

Max shut out the thoughts as they made it to the doctor's office. She offered him a seat, then proceeded. She displayed the scan results. All the while the doctor pointed and mouthed off words, he couldn't grasp where she was heading.

"Can you tell me what the problem is in plain terms?" His voice trembled as dread ate at him.

"Your wife suffered a rare type of brain damage."

The room spun. "What?" he whispered. "H-how?"

"It is unclear what caused it. The type she suffered from develops over time. Since she is not yet conscious, we would be unable to tell how the damage has affected her. But judging from the area the anomaly was spotted, her memory would likely be..."

Max tuned her out. Brain damage? Sharon had brain damage...

All the while the doctor talked, Max nodded where he assumed he should. When she was done, he managed one question. "When do I get to see her?"


She looked perfect, like nothing ever happened and she was just having a nap. Max had called her name about four times; he couldn't help himself. There was no response, no twitch of the fingers or movement of her eyes

Sitting next to her bed, Max braced his elbows on his knees and stared at her face. That crippling feeling of being lost washed over him once more. Sharon was too smart to suffer from such... for God sake she was smarter than he was. He would admit it. The way she did her things and went about her life—there was a finesse to it. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Maybe the damage would affect only a small part of her memory.


He turned at the sound of his mother's voice. Even at the late hour, she still looked impeccable. He stood and walked into her open arms, instantly enveloped by the smell of her channel perfume and comforting warmth.

"They said something is wrong with her brain, mum." He fought the urge to breakdown and lost. "T-they said she wouldn't wake up normal."

"Shhhh." She patted his back. "It's okay now. Calm down."

It took a while, but he was finally able to relax a bit.

"You look ghastly, oh my." She placed a hand against her chest then wiped his face with another. Her smile was small and sad. "Go brush yourself up, I will be here with her."


"But nothing." She shook her head, blonde bob shifting with the movement. "Go on now. I'd look after her."

Max obeyed. Sharon and his mother had always gone along fine. The only issue she had with his mother was his penchant to confide in her. It was one of the habits he promised to break.

As he walked to his car, he pulled out his phone from his pocket. It was time to make that call he had been dreading.

Uncle Olu answered at the first ring. "My son, how are you?"

Max drew in a breath then sighed. "Something terrible has happened..."


Thanks Browniegirl258 for reminding me I haven't posted the chapter as soon as I hinted. I forgot. That's the thing about getting home late and struggling to keep up with NaNoWriMo and also remembering to update your work. Sheesh. It's all good brain exercise though. I can't complain.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love ya'll.

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