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Mother and Maximum were arguing. Sharon caught words like hotel and home before Uncle Olu guided her to the vending machine close to the hospital lobby.

She turned just in time to see mother point in her direction and say something to Maximum. He was frowning now. Maximum rarely frowned.

"Do you think mother can take me away from Maximum?" She asked uncle Olu as they stopped at the vending machine.

"No," uncle answered. "Which do you want?"

"Snickers." Sharon answered without looking. She chewed on her lips then stopped. Mother hated when she did that. "I will run away if she tries to take me."

"Is that so?" Uncle Olu smiled. "And where will you go?"

"Back to Maximum." Sharon mirrored his smile and took the bar of chocolate he offered.

"Good answer." He tore open a bar of snickers and attempted to take a bite.

Sharon's brow furrowed. "You shouldn't eat that."

Uncle Olu looked from the chocolate to her face. He looked surprised, like she said something impossible like pigs flying.

"Why shouldn't I eat chocolate?"

His question puzzled her. "I donno. I just..." she searched for the right words. "I just think it is not good for you."

Uncle Olu was smiling now, a real wide smile. And it looked as if his eyes were watering. "Yes, you are so correct. I shouldn't be eating chocolate. You can have mine." He handed over the bar of chocolate. Just then Maximum and mother approached them.

"Your mother will be staying in a hotel. She plans to visit us tomorrow."

Managing a glance at mother, she saw she didn't look happy. Sharon's heart sank. She wanted mother to like Maximum.

"I still do not see the sense in making me stay in a hotel. Isn't your home big enough?"

Maximum sighed. "Uncle Olu is staying in the spare bedroom, the other bedroom is used as my studio. Perhaps, if you had informed us earlier that you will be coming, I would have made the necessary arrangements."

Mother turned her nose up the way she did whenever she was displeased. "And how would I have informed you of my arrival? I was cut off from my daughter's life. I didn't even have her phone number."

"I thought we just had this conversation," Maximum said, his voice drawn out and tired. "Let's not do this in front of Sharon."

Sharon stared at her feet, a sudden feeling of tiredness overcoming her. "Can we go now?"

"Shush, dear," mother said, "we are still talking."

"Do not shush her. She is not a child." Maximum's voice was hard and cutting, and he was frowning again. He placed an arm around Sharon's shoulder and began to guide her away.

"But it is the truth. She is a child. Let's not pretend this is not what it is."

Maximum stiffened. Sharon shut her eyes as the beginning of a headache pressed behind her eyes.

"Stop it, Dami," uncle Olu said, "Just stop it. This is not the time or place."

There was a heavy silence. A nurse passed by. She wore blue crocs with pink scrubs. Sharon liked pink.

"Let's go, babe," Maximum said and led her out of the hospital.


Uncle Olu said nothing as they walked to his car, in fact, the man had not been his normal self since his sister showed up. Max took a mental note to ask him if he was the one who informed Sharon's mum of her sickness.

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