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"You called me Max." Max's face went lax, arm dropping to his side.

Sharon frowned. Something wasn't right. A thought lurked at the back of her mind like there was something she should remember but no matter how hard she tried, it evaded her. "I-I feel strange."

She yelped when Max wrapped her in a sudden tight hug. "Tell me you're back. Tell me you're back, please." His voice trembled like he was about to cry.

"You're scaring me," Sharon said against his chest. "What happened? Can we go home?"

Max wouldn't let her go. His shoulders were shaking now. And he sobbed as he held her. The urge to join him pressed at the back of her throat, her eyes watering and going misty. Sweeping a hand over his back, she mumbled, "It's fine. I am fine. Please stop scaring me." She gulped, pushing the urge to cry back. "I am a bit confused, and I think panic may soon set in. I need you to be coherent for me. Tell me what's wrong. Please."

"I don't even know where to start." He cradled the back of her head and kissed her temple. "Jesus. I can't believe..." his voice broke off at the same moment he released a ragged breath.

Finally, he loosened his hold and stepped back. Sharon really looked at him this time.

In all her life, she had never seen Max in such a state. His eyes... they were wet with tears and fatigue dulled them making him look older than the last time she saw him. When was the last time she saw him?

"Can we go home?" She needed something familiar, something that would tether her mind and keep the panic at bay. Something wasn't right.

"I don't want to go home," he turned from her, swept both hands over his head then wove his fingers behind his neck, "at least not yet." He let his hands fall to his sides and began to pace.

His shoulders were slumped as though he were carrying an invisible burden. Sharon's heart cracked at the sight. "Why?"

"Your mum-"

"My mum?" Sharon took an aghast step back. "What do you mean my mum? Do not tell me she is at home." Her voice rose a notch. "When did this happen? How did she know..."

The panic increased.

Something isn't right.

Her breathing grew shallow. Roaring anger, hysteria, and profound confusion roiled within her. "What happened to me, Max." She forced the words out, choking on them. "What's happening? I feel so weird."

People milled about, all minding their business but their movement increased her panic. She began to wheeze. Speaking became difficult.

How did I get here? Why am I at the airport?

There was a ringing in her ears, and her chest grew tight.


Maybe if I think harder I'd remember. If I could just-


Her eyes flew open. Max was in her face, hands cupping her jaw and making her look into his brown eyes. "It is fine. You are fine. Breathe with me." She focused on his lips as he spoke, fighting to obey his words.

"I am here. See? Look at me." He gently nudged her head when she glanced away. "It's me. Focus on me. I am not going anywhere. I am here."

Nodding, Sharon did as he said, followed his breathing as she thought of nothing else but that moment. Max no longer appeared broken. His eyes were clear and his gaze strong.

Sharon swallowed. "I-"

"Shh." He pressed his lips against hers. The tension drained from her system and her heart ceased its pounding against her chest. At least Max was familiar. She held onto that knowledge.

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