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The day began on a high note... literally.

Sharon nearly split his eardrums with her scream. Max leapt off the bed, bleary eyes and confused out of his mind.

"What is it?" He stumbled for the light switch and slapped on the light, making the place brighter.

The sight that greeted him first confused him. He stared for a solid minute then spoke when his heart reduced its galloping and his brain was able to form an explanation for what he was seeing.

Sharon was full on wailing now, gripping her lower abdomen with half shut eyes fixed on the sheet between her legs. "I am dying. Maximum, I'm dying."

"Breathe, Max." He sucked in air and stared at the ceiling, counting to ten like old Sharon loved to do. "You've got this, mate. You've got this."

Sharon didn't even acknowledge his presence as she continued crying. Her face was blotchy now, tears and snort everywhere.

Sweeping a hand over his head and face, Max glanced at the fancy wall clock opposite their bed. 4:35am.

"Babe." Max walked around the bed until he was at her side. "Sharon." He placed a gentle hand around her shoulder and shook her a bit. "You need to stand up. Let's go to the bathroom."

"But the blood." She finally looked at his face, lips trembling and eyes wide. "Am I dying?"

"No... no you're not."

You're having a period.

Nothing prepared him for this. How was he to explain to her that periods were completely normal, that she would only get to bleed for a few days. Funny thing was that the old Sharon was extremely private about her period but he knew she used tampons. Teaching the new Sharon how to use tampons would be extremely awkward if not uncomfortable for both of them so he opted for pads. He would worry about how to fix it when she's in the bath.

"My back hurts too." She bowed her back as she spoke, face twisting in pain as her hand massaged a spot. "Even my legs. Why do I hurt so bad?"

I don't know.

Max racked his brain for a clue. Was this how it was? What if what was happening was something else-something worse? He looked at the dark stain on the mattress and a spell of dizziness hit him. The stain looked too much.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Sharon began to whimper again, twisting from side to side and begging him not to leave her.

"It's uncle Olu." Max squeezed her hands once and rushed to the door.

He had never been more relieved to see another person in his life.

"I heard her scream." Uncle Olu's eyes were alert and concern lined his grey features. "Is everything alright?"

Max stepped aside, all the while feeling weak and useless. "It's her period, I think... I don't know."

Yesterday, after they drove back home from the airport, uncle Olu had had a lengthy talk with him, giving pointers, reading through her patient book and giving more pointers. At a point Max felt incredibly inept judging from the obvious things he ignored. He had left Anna to worry about Sharon's job and relaying information to her HR department. He knew next to nothing about her finances, doctor's appointments, the online class she sometimes taught--nothing.

Drawing in a huge breath, Max went over to the walk-in closet and looked around. He was sure he placed the pads somewhere.

Do not panic, man. If you do, Sharon would.

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