Chapter 3

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Knuckles p.o.v.

As we talked I tried to keep a mental note of everything that was being tossed at us, key word try.

'Half demon, prankster, can make illusions, what else did he say? Loves blood' that one even got Shadow a little shocked even if he was trying to hide it.

"I don't want to sound rude but can you get out of that form or are you stuck in it?" I asked

"Form? This is what I normally look like." said D getting off the couch to stretch "Why don't ya like me?"

I felt a little discomfort when his pure yellow eyes looked straight into mine.

"I-I'm not s-saying that j-just w-wanted to know is a-all." 'Why am I stuttering? How can he make me this afraid?' just then D's whole body shined and when the light died he was a sky blue hedgehog with light green eyes. I mentally sighed cause I didn't want to stare into that yellow abyss any longer than necessary.

"What are you the god of exactly?" asked Shadow who was oddly quiet for the entire conversation until now.

"God of death. Why?"

"Just asking."

"You have been very quiet, Vampire."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard what I said. Why don't ya go back to your coffin if we're boring you to much?"

"My name is Shadow and if you if don't stop making those silly remarks then your going to be wishing for your death when I'm done with you." he was talking through clenched teeth probably to hold himself back.

"What'cha going to do, gramps? Pounce on me? I don't think you can even handle me with your lame excuse for power."

"THAT'S IT!" yelled Shadow but before anyone could make a move Cream and Sonic or X came into the room.

"D, did you start a war between everyone?" questioned the mini hero while cocking his head to the side.

"How on Mobius does a three year old know about war?!?" I almost yelled and Shadow went back to clenching his teeth and hands as he was holding himself back.

"I'm not three, I'm... uh... 2 no... yeah... 256." he said while crossing his arms over his chest. Everyone gawked at this except for Shadow who only looked mildly surprised. 'Now that's a surprise.'

"Why does he look like a child then?" asked Rouge

"Our ageing system is different than yours. For example when a child looks like a 1-10 year old, they are in their hundreds and if they look like a teen, like me, they are in the thousands. I'm 7843 right now. After teen-hood age doesn't matter." I was speechless. Even Shadow looked baffled by this.

"Can we eat now D? I'm hungry."

"Alright, come here." the kid went over to his brother and held his hand. They walked over to the door but Amy stopped them in their tracks.

"Why can't you stay here to have something to eat?" she asked

"What do you think X?"


"Then it's settled, you can all stay here while we go out if you want. Scratch that I think its best if you all stay here."

"No, I say we go out together." I said and everyone nodded in agreement

"Are you sure?" everyone nodded again "All right, but I strongly advise that the rabbit doesn't tag along."

"Why?" I asked

"It's best that you would know that once we get there." said D

Tails p.o.v.

After we called Vanilla to come pick up Cream, they went home and we went out. It took some convincing but he allowed it and said that it was our decision. We walked for a while but came upon a clearing were little animals were grazing and playing with each other. Sonic handed his gloves to D and told him to go ahead. As he was going to the animals I got a little curious for what was going on and decided to ask.

"What is he doing?" I asked in a whisper as D sat down on the ground.

"Hunting." was all he said. My attention went back to the scene and Sonic was halfway to the animals when he went down on all fours and started creeping up to them through the tall grass. He stopped when a bird was close to 5 feet away from him. Moving his shoulder blades back and forth, glaring at the unaware bird. If looks could kill, the bird would of been burnt to a crisp. In one foul swoop Sonic lunches at the bird, hopeless to get away, while the other animals make a quick getaway to get away from the threat. As the head was ripped apart from the body, the sound of ripping flesh and the stench of blood wafted throughout the entire area. I gagged at the scene, Amy turned around and threw up, Rouge had her hand over her mouth looking a little green, both Knuckles and Shadow looked horrified and disgusted. D only closed his eyes and gave a small smile as if this was the most peaceful thing in the world. My attention was drawn back to the dead bird, or should I say pile of bones because that was all that was left. Sonic was digging a hole and placed the bones inside the hole. When he was done he raced back to D's side with the speed he was known for.

"Let's get you washed up and ready for bed." he said getting up from his spot and looking over at us. "I did try to warn you, but y'all are so stubborn." My gaze moved from D to Sonic who had blood on his sharp claws and muzzle and gave a slight yawn to reveal razor sharp teeth also covered in blood. My reflexes acted again and had to force myself not to throw up, when we all walked back to the house.

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