Chapter 15

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Dll's p.o.v.

Scourge was flying ahead in the forest. Me and Sawyer was flying behind him and the mortals were all on foot.

"How much further?" I asked

"Not far now." we continued until I smelt blood coming from ahead. I looked at Sawyer and he had the same expression I had. Anger. We landed behind the foliage and greenery as we saw the shack in the distance.

"Does everyone know what their doing?" I asked and received nods "Alright. Sawyer, whenever your ready." Sawyer turned towards the vampire and echidna and they followed him into the opening. They stopped a few meters away and called out for the taint to show herself. The taint came out with a evil smirk on her face and I nodded towards Scourge to begin phase two. He turned towards the bat and kitsune and they flew into the sky as I crept along the trees back behind the shack.

I looked behind me as I saw the battle begin. Sawyer's group was battling on the ground and Scourge's group was giving aerial support. 'The plan is working perfectly. Now for phase three.'

I got to the back of the little house and snuck through the back door, into, what looked like, a living room. There wasn't any furniture but the smell of blood was getting stronger with each step I took. I made it to another room that had stairs leading up. 'Had some time on your filthy hands, did ya taint?'

I walked up and saw a closed door to my right. As I opened the door, the smell of blood was almost unbearable. Almost. I saw X in the corner of the room, blood stained his fur and metal restraints were all over his body. I removed the tape on his mouth, the blindfold on his eyes and started to unlatch the metal off his arms. When I realized something. He didn't make a sound and his eyes weren't open.

"X?" I whispered. No response. I took the last of the metal off him and went to pick him up, when I felt like I was being watched. I looked around the room but saw no one. When I looked back, X was sitting up straight but had his back facing me. I went to put my hand on his shoulder when I got smacked to the ground by an unseen force. 'Oh no.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw X's shoes standing dangerously close to my face. 'Can you hear me?' I heard a distorted laugh and X started to walk away. I jumped to my feet and grabbed his wrist making him face me. Before I could react, X slammed me against the wall and I could barely move. 'Snap out of it, I know you can.' I got smacked across the face and felt blood drip down my check. 'Guess not.' I transformed and kicked X off me and got into a fighting stance.

"I don't want to hurt you." he tilted his head to the side and just watched me. He laughed again and raced out the door. I followed him and he lead me outside. I couldn't see him anywhere but I could see the battle that was going on.

All four mortals were bloody and on the ground, thankfully, still awake. Saw and Scourge were were still battling the taint, who was also standing but getting tired. I saw a flash of blue head in her direction and I rushed over. Scourge got shoved into a tree as the flash disappeared and the taint fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Are you alright Scourge?" I asked as Sawyer helped him stand. We heard another distorted laugh and everyone's face dropped in horror.

"I. Hate. That. Laugh!" Scourge said through clenched teeth. 'Who doesn't?'

The mortals made their way over to us and I told them to take the taint back to their house. Now, We were standing back to back waiting for my brother to show himself, in our true forms.

Scourge's fur was a deep purple, the tips of his wings changed from black to white. His black jacket also changed to white with a red flame design on the edges. His tail grew and became pointed with an arrow as his ears became slightly curved and grew fur around his wrists, head and ears.

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