Chapter 13

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Sawyer's p.o.v.

I watched as Dollter and Exetior fell asleep together and watching them now, brought a smile to my face.


I walked up a hill towards Exetior, who was looking up at the stars. His emerald eyes sparkled in the pale moonlight.

"Hey Saw." he waved me to sit down beside him and I obliged "What's up?"

"Nothing much, other than watching Scourge get his ass kicked by Dollter. Again." we both chuckled

"It doesn't seem he'll ever learn personal boundaries. How many times has he tried hitting on me?"

"Um... I think 200." he looked at me and then laid down with his hands behind his head and I joined him.

"You know you can call me, Exe and D, Dll, right?"

"I know but It's just force of habit."

"There's no such thing as 'force of habit', there's only habits and when the habits get to hard to handle there called bad habits." I chuckled

"Whatever you say." It stayed quiet for a few minutes until I heard him sigh



"What's the meaning of life?" I sat up and looked in his eyes as he looked at me

"What do you mean?" he sat up and sat crossed legged, with his hands in his lap and head hung low.

"I mean, why do we live? Why are their taints? Why can't we just live in peace like the old times?" I looked down at my lap and then back at the stars

"That's a hard question but I think the answer is something that isn't meant to be shared." He looked at me confused and then up at the stars

"That doesn't help."

"I know but that's the way the universe has always worked. There's good people but there is also the not so nice people. Then there is the bad people, like Frank, who think only for themselves. We can't tell them who to be but we can show them what they can be if they want."

"But then why do we kill taints? Why can't we show them that they can be good?" I looked at him and he looked back down at his hands, clutching and unclutching them. 'Your not making this easy.'

"I was just curious." I frowned

"Stop invading my mind." he chuckled and looked at me with a grin

"Habit." I crossed my arms and looked away

"Very funny." he scooted closer to me

"Come on Saw. Don't be mad. I was just trying to be funny." I looked back at him with a smile

"How can I be mad at you?" he chuckled again and put his head on my shoulder

"One day, when I'm allowed to travel, I'll show people they can be happy. *Yawns* Even in dark times." he started closing his eyes and I smiled at him falling asleep. Once he fell unconscious, I put an arm around his shoulders and looked back at the stars. 'One day, Exetior. One day.'

End of Flashback

I leaned against the chair at the memory, until I saw Scourge stand in front of me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Because you've been staring at them all night now." I looked back at the twins still asleep and that light was coming through the window. 'Time flies.' Scourge then waved his hand in front of my face. "Lightning?" I swatted his hand away and crossed my arms.

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