Chapter 11

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Shadow's p.o.v.

When we got to the doctor's base, Tails had to call out Sonic's name. He was coated with blood and walking up to the traitor slowly. He looked... hungry? D transformed and kicked his brother back, sending him into the wall. Sonic got up but chased after her, leading them outside. He didn't see her anywhere but saw the city instead.

"D, Is there any way to stop your brother?" I asked as we ran to the city with said hedgehog flying overhead.

"On his neck, there's this collar, I'm sure that if we break it, then X will stop his killing spree." he said looking at me with his pure yellow eyes

"How did this happen?" Knuckles asked

"I'm sure that those two gave that collar to him to try and control X but it failed and the human payed his life for that mistake. When I looked in his eyes, I saw nothing. He didn't recognize me and only sees everyone as food now. Prepare yourselves for lots of dead bodies. I need you to distract him while I get some friends." and he flew off

"What!?" Knuckles shouted after him

"Tails, try to find Amy. If my suspicions are correct, it's best if you don't see this." I looked over at him and he looked over confused for a moment before shrugging and racing off into the forest.

I looked over at Knuckles and Rouge and they looked at me. 'Their seeing what I would do.'

"Let's get this over with." and they nodded in agreement.

When we got there, D was right. Bodies of humans and mobians were everywhere and blood splattered on everything it could. I lead the way through the hell hole with Knuckles and Rouge on my tail.

"I'm so glad Tails isn't here." Knuckles said his voice wavering, holding his namesakes in front of him.

"I'll watch from above." Rouge took off to the sky's a few feet above us as we made our way through the eerily silent city

Dll's p.o.v.

Thankfully I was in my normal form as I traveled through another portal heading back to my home planet: Athens. I looked around and saw demons and gods all getting along with one another.

Traveling through worlds, planets and different universes is a normal thing, due to the hunt of taints. But my sudden return back was more than what meets the eye.

I flew across the sky, looking at all the faces trying to spot the two that can help me with X's insanity problem. I caught a sight of green fur and dove down to meet with the two hedgehogs talking to one another.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't Snake. Aren't you supposed to be looking after Blue?" Scourge asked flapping his wings

"Not when he's at it again." I swished my tail back and forth and Sawyer caught on to my anxiousness

"He went insane again?" he asked

"Do I even need to answer?"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here and calm your brother down."

I opened another portal and we all flew through arriving back in the heart of a destroyed city that was eerily quiet.

"X's friends are already helping with the search. If we look in the sky, I'm sure he'll appear to us." I floated forward but I felt a pull on my hand making me look back at Sawyer.

"Let's stick together on this one. Remember the last time he went insane?" I shivered at the thought and Scourge almost fell. If it was possible, I would say that he turned green.

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