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⇲ Inspired by The Truth Untold

That's why they'll be parts of the song between paragraphs in italics. As If I'm telling the story of each line.

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Jeongguk always wore a mask. And as a general rule of thumb, behind every mask there was a face and behind every face, there was a story.

‘Full of loneliness
The garden bloomed
Full of thorns
He bound himself in his sand castle’

He swore to never leave his castle, and he swore to never take off the mask. No one had to see his ugly face, because no one could love him at all. But he was lonely, and undoubtedly rich too. So to see people without seeing him and without leaving his castle, he organized ball parties where everyone wore masks. He melt in with the crowd, with no one recognizing him as the castle's owner. He could feel normal, even if just for a short bit of time. He was almost used to people who come to his parties, he recognized them by their usual masks and he always sent invitations to the same people.

He turned by the corner and his eyes fell on a beautiful boy. He could tell he was beautiful because he wore no mask at all. Moon sparkly eyes, hair as dark as the winter sky, plump cherry lips and naturally rosy cheeks. The beautiful boy was so preoccupied eating to notice him. He wanted to know his name, tried to remember the names on his invitation papers but nothing clicked. He was tempted to ask him about his invitation until he saw the boy pulling a bag and putting plates and plates of food inside. Jeongguk was wide-eyed staring at him. Noble people didn't take food like this. No, it was obvious he was a commoner.

“Hey, you!”

Jeongguk shouted and the boy turned with food still inside his lovely cheeks, his eyes taking a round shape as he knew that he got caught. Before he ran away between the crowd with the bag in his hand. Jeongguk ran after him but the boy was fast, much faster than him.

When Jeongguk reached the door, the boy had already climbed the wall. He saw him and he smirked in victory before jumping and disappearing out of sight. He got away with it, and he was proud. Jeongguk was angry for he went inside of his party with neither an invitation nor a mask. Without a mask! Wearing a mask was the only goddamn rule and yet that boy dared to break it.

But was he even angry that he saw his face?

‘What is your name?’

That night, the boy was in his dreams. For many nights to come, the image of him still didn't fade. So Jeongguk decided to send his maid to look for the boy in the city, tell him who he was because he was dying to know. He didn't understand but he was very attracted to the black haired male, like moth to the flames.

Sadly, the maid failed to figure who he was. So Jeongguk decided to organize another ball party, hoping the boy would sneak inside again to steal food. But would he be able to speak to him? He was fine with maybe just watching from afar, admiring from afar would be even more accurate.

So there it was, the second party after less than two weeks. The castle was kissed away of its loneliness, masked people all over the halls and hallways. His parties were very much appreciated, the best in the city as everyone said. Most people wished to attend for even just once in their lifetimes, but no one knew the real reason behind the ball parties. Did anyone care anyways?

Jeongguk this time didn't watch from afar, but mingled with the crowd trying to find the boy. If he came in the first place, that is. He looked and looked but the boy apparently didn't come. Jeongguk sadly went out to his flower garden, it was the only place that made him feel a bit better, being so beautiful. He stared at the flowers under the moonlight until he saw someone jumping off the wall. His boy was here again. He was glad to know, but this time, he brought company, and he picked a blue flower, a flower just as beautiful as he was.

He followed him inside, just like a shadow, afraid of being seen. He didn't want the boy to run from him again.

It seemed the boy’s only goal was food, just like the previous time, and he didn't bother to wear a mask at all. Jeongguk just observed him, was very careful not to scare him away. He payed more attention to him. Worn out shoes, thin clothes in the winter’s snow. It wasn't hard to figure out he was very poor.

He heard the boy's friend mumbling about how hungry his brothers were in this cold time. That so many die of hunger and cold in the heartless winter. Jeongguk was terrified the same thing could happen to the beautiful boy. He figured out he came to save himself and his siblings from succumbing to cold and hunger. Yet, he couldn't speak to him, he couldn't help directly for he would never be able to talk to him. So he made a choice.

He decided to organize more ball parties.

And I know
All of your warmth is real
The blue flower your hand was picking
I wanted to hold it but’

So more parties were held in the lonley castle. As much as possible. And Jeongguk wasn't disappointed, the boy came every time and suddenly Jeongguk wasn't so sad anymore. Suddenly, his life had a meaning.

It was the waiting which gave his life that meaning, that sort of hope after he was so hopeless. He would always wait for the nameless beautiful boy, watch him intently as he picked flowers and took food. This devised his life to two parts: watching the boy from afar, and waiting impatiently to see him again.

It became the only reason he breathed.

So that was how he fell in love. Every time, every waiting second got him only more entangled. He loved him with all of his heart, cared for him so much even when the boy didn't even acknowledge his existence, while Jeongguk didn't even know his name. But the boy's image got tattooed in every cell of his brain. He knew by heart the depth of his grey eyes that seemed to hold stars, the crooks of his smile and the way he crunched his small button nose. Epitome of perfection. He could wait to see him forever until he grows old.

But... the boy stopped coming.


𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠 ~ 𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now