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Jeongguk felt bad for what he said but he couldn't dare go looking for Jimin again. Jimin didn't need his mere existence, for he only brought bad luck. Jeongguk believed that the moment he'd enter Jimin's life, it would probably all turn to hell, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to his precious boy.

On the other hand, Jimin was out of the castle in the few minutes that followed his conversation with Jeongguk. He took his silence as a silent confirmation, that the young noble was just politely saying that he didn't want him around and Jimin couldn't blame him.

It was weird Jeongguk even helped him to begin with, so the fact that he stayed in his room for more than two weeks was mind boggling to him to say the least.

Jimin was mad for some reason, soon after he felt heart-broken. He wondered why he did even feel that way, for Jeongguk had no obligations towards him. Jeongguk didn't have to do anything from the kind things he had done to him but Jimin still somehow felt betrayed, and he almost called himself an ungrateful brat for how sharp his thoughts against Jeongguk were.

When he arrived to the city, Taehyung was the first person he met. The latter greeting him with his boxy smile, his oceon eyes glittering beautifully. Jimin couldn't comprehend why everyone in the city loathed him for his oceon blue eyes and sunshine blonde hair, judging him to be a cause of doom or result of sorcery.

Jimin just found him to be beautiful, and to him different never meant evil. Jimin grinned as Taehyung ran to him, hugging him tightly, and Jimin hugged him back with a smile and Taehyung squished his face hard onto his chest it became a bit hard to breath.

“Damn, I was so scared that you'll die in there. I'm so glad you came. I missed you so much!” Taehyung beemed happily as he dragged Jimin around to a near bunch, sitting there then staring straight to Jimin's eyes, as if he expected somehow that Jimin had something to say.

When the latter didn't say anything, Taehyung decided he had to be more specific. “How did it go with that noble? I think he's really nice. I also think he likes you.”

Jimin was looking at Taehyung's eyes, but at the question, he couldn't keep the eye contact anymore so he shifted his gaze to look at his feet. Taehyung frowned at the abrupt change of demeanor.

He had previously supposed that Jimin would have already befriended Jeongguk for he stayed in the castle for a long time, but Jimin's expression was almost sullen, earnest and morose, seemed to say the complete opposite and Taehyung felt his heart clench.

“He did it just out of pity. He wants nothing to do with me.” Jimin muttered with a pout, and Taehyung wanted to hug him again so bad but he knew he had to listen to what he had to say first. “He refuses to show me his face, he refuses to tell me his name, he refuses to even talk to me.”

Taehyung understood the way Jimin felt but he didn't think it was personal still. For that noble refused to tell him his name too, and when he asked the maids of the castle they said the man was like that with everyone, even them who were always with him.

Taehyung didn't know why it was the way it was, but he heard rumors that the noble's face was disfigured and that was why he always hid it with a mask, and since he let no one see his face, Taehyung assumed the rumor was correct.

“Don't take it personally Jimin. I've been told he was like that with everyone, and that he always wore a mask because his face was misshapen or disfigured or-”

“No, damn he's so fucking handsome. I saw him with my two damn eyes.” Jimin interrupted as he stood up from the bunch almost angrily. Why would the noble make everyone think like that of him when he was the most beautiful person Jimin had ever seen?

It was unfair and he hated how people made rumors of anything they don't know how to explain or have almost no information about. Why would they say his face was misshapen when they did never even seen him?

Jimin felt the need to end that stupid rumor, to prove it was the furthest thing from the truth. “So don't speak like that of him. He saved my life, remember?”

“Then why doesn't he ever take off his mask? I also heard he never leaves his castle too.” Taehyung complained with a shrug. He had just reported what he had heard, and it wasn't as if he made it up himself.

But Jimin said he had seen him with his own eyes and that he was handsome. The detail suddenly sank in Taehyung's mind and he felt his eyebrows rise in pure surprise. “Wait.. what? You saw his face? But you said he didn't let you see it?”

The two looked at each other but Jimin didn't seemed to be able to say anything in response. Taehyung's eyes were still wide inordinately with the surprise that had previously washed over him but he was still expecting some sort of explanation, one that didn't seem to come.

He watched the slight flash of panic over his friend's angelic features with a bit of worry before he asked again. “Aren't you gonna say anything Minnie?”

Jimin looked around as if scared anyone would hear him, before leaning in close to Taehyung's ear, his lips brushing with his lobe tentatively. “But keep it a secret.”

Taehyung nodded as he turned to look eloquently into Jimin's grey eyes in a silent promise. Jimin shortly leaned back again against his ear.

“The first day I woke up, he was sleeping next to me on a chair. I didn't know who he was and he was wearing a mask so I took it off without his consent. I tell you, the man is a living breathing walking masterpiece. He's so handsome your eyes would be blessed if you ever land your sight on him. I swear to god he's absolutely beautiful.”

Taehyung's eyes trailed after Jimin, as the latter retrieved himself to look at his reaction. Taehyung's eyes had widened further becoming ridiculously bigger in size. It was painfully obvious that Taehyung couldn't accept the fact just yet, that he couldn't process it still. But in the depth of his hickory eyes, lied quiet vivid interest.

“So you say he's handsome but he hides his face and never leaves his castle to the point everyone thinks his face is disfigured?” Taehyung asked, and even when the question didn't seem to make sense to any of them, Jimin nodded in confirmation.

Taehyung hummed as he looked up the sky in deep thoughts. “Why would he do that in your opinon?”

“I don't know.. Maybe he thinks he's ugly?” Jimin replied, his answer more close to a question than that of a response. He had no idea what else it could be either. He was no psychologist and the reason of such behavior went way over his head but he could still see that the noble needed help.

For sure, he felt that he owed him for saving his life, but maybe his savior needed saving too, even more than he ever did. “I'm the only one who had ever seen him. I need to tell him that he's really beautiful so he takes off his mask, but I don't know how.”

Taehyung looked blank for a second as he thought in silence, before his face lit up with pure bless, and he gracefully smiled to Jimin before uttering.

“I'll tell him you fell sick again!”


𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠 ~ 𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now