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Jeongguk kept organizing ball parties, waited patiently in each and every one of them for the boy to show up.

But he didn't show up ever again.

Jeongguk became worried. He knew that something must've happened to the boy for him to stop coming. He wished he could leave his castle and look for him but there was no way. He never left his castle since the moment he entered it. He couldn't let people see his face, and he knew he'd look weird if he went out with a mask. But what if the boy was so sick?

What if he was dead?

The thought alone made him cry. He for sure cried every time the boy didn't show up in a party. But there was nothing he could do about it.

‘It is my fate
Don’t smile to me
Lie to me
Because I can’t get closer to you

The boy for a matter of a fact didn't even know who he was. He would get creeped out even if he miraculously found him. Jeongguk tried to shake his worries away. Maybe the boy just found a way to get food without sneaking into his parties, maybe it wasn't as tragic as his brain made it look like. But something deep inside told him it was very unlikely.

He was again in the garden, waiting patiently, his sight not even on the flowers but rather stuck to the wall that the boy usually jumps in order to sneak inside. His face lighted up when he saw someone jumping. He almost jumped from his place at the sight, his heart skipped a couple of beats inside his chest.

His boy was alive.

Jeongguk followed after him, noticing straight away that it wasn't really his boy. The guy was taller, and his hair was fucking blonde. Blonde people were very rare in the city. He saw only one blonde person in his entire life before. His boy's friend.

Jeongguk didn't want to scare him away, but he thought he needed to speak to him. He needed to know why his boy didn't come too. He needed to tell them that they were always welcomed. Not only jumping off his walls but rather from the front door instead, anytime and everytime they ever wish.

Everyone was already dancing in the big hall, leaving the buffet room empty. Which meant it was just time for the blonde to steal, but he needed to speak to him first. He walked silently behind the guy, touching his shoulder and the boy turned his head very fast it was a miracle he didn't break his neck.

And there it was, his attempt of running away. But Jeongguk expected it this time, so he had his hands strongly wrapped around his shoulders, fixing him in place.

“Why do you want to run? I just want to welcome you.” Jeongguk muttered, his voice like murmurs of the winter wind, barely above a whisper. He could see the way the blond boy’s ocean blue eyes widened up in surprise at his words. He could see that he didn't believe him. The proof was that he was still trying to wriggle out of his hold. “I'm not joking. You don't have to steal it. I'll give you whatever you need.”

“Really? I'm not in trouble?”

His voice was pleasantly deep, and now that he was closer to him, he could see how beautiful he was. He wondered what it'd feel like to see his boy so up close too. It would be literal heaven. So he shook his head in a silent denial.

“Just tell me how much food you need. Whatever you need actually. I don't mind.” Jungkook muttered with a smile. Taehyung thought it was very beautiful, bunny-like but also so charming it felt almost breathtaking.

Yet, he couldn't believe it. A noble offering help? Nobles hated them so much. They thought they were just uneducated peasants that deserved to die. “I saw you many times but I didn't interrupt, for I wanted you to take what you want.”

“Tha... Thank you I guess.” The blond said as he scratched the back of his head. He was so close to embarrassment he felt heat rising up to his cheeks. The man knew about it all the time and allowed it, and they were the ones thinking they got away with it.

“Umm... Just so I could address you correctly, can I have the pleasure to know your name?” Jeongguk asked with another small smile. He wanted to ask about the blond’s friend. He needed to know what happened to him, but he had to take it slowly.

The blond needed to trust him first, and know that he meant no harm. Therefore he couldn't rush it, no matter how dead he felt inside at the thought of his boy being somehow hurt, if not deceased. No matter how rushed he was to know.

“I'm Taehyung... What's your name sir?” Taehyung asked back while Jeongguk only got taken aback by the question. He looked away instead, as if Taehyung's question was past the limits, something he was forbidden to ask or know.

There’s no name you can call me.” Jeongguk muttered dismissevely as he looked back at him. He tried to smile but he was stuck in the simple motion. It was hard to smile for he couldn't help but think it was false interest. Someone for the first time wanted to know his name, but he couldn't believe the blond cared enough to know it. “I'll tell my maids to give you the food you need. By the way, where's your friend?”

“Jimin?” Taehyung asked and Jungkook suddenly could smile. In fact smiled the widest he ever did in ages. Jimin, that was his pretty boy's name. Beautiful just like every thing else about him. But his smile disappeared as soon as it surfaced on his face.

Taehyung had a deep frown on his face, a melancholic expression that pierced right through his heart like an arrow. He knew something bad had happened to his boy. Taehyung was looking down in sadness, tears in his ocean eyes. “He is so sick. He cannot move from high fever and he's only getting worse.”

Jeongguk was deeply shocked, his mouth opening up in a ‘o’ shape for he was so very troubled. His heart clenched so hard he resisted the urge to clench his own chest to stop the pain because he knew what was up.

There was a plague moving around. He heard about it and how it was very contagious, killing off thousands of people in its way without mercy. He couldn't accept a damn disease would steal his beautiful boy from him forever. Rare were the ones who survived. He had to do something so Jimin survives too.

“Bring him to my castle.”


𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠 ~ 𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now