chapter 5

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Thanks for continuing my story
Hope you like it

Ashley's POV
****six months later****

Today is graduation and I can't be more happier than now. Not really happy because I'm going to NY today for college and I have to leave my mama here.

Speaking of my mom she's been behaving weirdly lately, there was a day she came back  home with puffy eyes, smudged mascara and all that but after that day,she became more happier.

I feel bad cause she would have told me if there was something going on....I mean I'm her daughter and we've got only each other.

I was cut off from my day dream when I heard "now I would like to call one of our stars, our  valedictorian here to give us her speech let's give it up for Ashley" 

Everyone clapped, some whisled and I tried to look for my mama with my eyes but I couldn't find her which means she didn't come for my graduation. Tears welled up my eyes as I tried to look for her again but this time my eyes locked up with Ashton's.
I quickly look blinked back my tears and gave Chole my phone to video me and I walked to the stage.

I took the mic from my principal Mrs Wesley and faced the crowd.

"Hello everyone, as you know today is our graduation and probably the last time we see each other because y'all know we have dreams and we gat to achieve them, don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams because it's for you.
We may have everything now because we are with our parents, but think of it, our parents didn't let anyone stop their dream that's why we benefit from them so we should strive to become who we want to be and make ourselves and parents proud so our parents and children benefit from us.
We might have been hurt one way or the other by someone who we love"

  I paused looking down because if I by any chance look up, I might break down which I don't want to. So I continued

"we shouldn't let that trouble us because we are not meant to be in everyone's life, people meet to separate so we don't expect ourselves to be together forever and always. Let us stand strong and be the best version of ourselves.

As I finished my speech my face was already wet which shows I was crying and I looked at people's faces hell they we're also crying. Everyone stood up and clapped. Some hugged me but my mama was no where to be seen. It was more painful than you think.

I took my diploma and took few pictures with my best friends and we all cried together and we pulled apart. I took pictures with few friends and it was 2:00 already and my flight to NY was for 3:00 so I drove home to pack.

As I got to the drive way I saw another car...I'm surprised cause mama never told me someone was coming to visit us or her.

The feeling of dread washed through me as I climbed the stairs leading to the front door. I took a deep breath and opened the door only for my eyes to almost budge out of my socket with who I'm seeing kissing my mother.



O mah goshhh
Her father came back huh

Pls vote😘😘

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