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Jungkook's POV

I walked towards the lift again after making a call with Eun Jae. Well , I made a call but we didn't talk. Her phone was switched off. Maybe she is busy with her brother as he came home after five years. Its been 8 years of my relationship with her , and inside these years I knew she lied to me a lot but I didn't say anything because I knew she loved me a lot and so did I. I trust her more than anything.

" The girl-is she dead?"

I heard as some people ran towards the lift. I saw a huge crowd in front of the lift and a girl at the center of them.

" Excuse me-" I saw an old woman. " What happened here?" I asked.

" Something happened to the girl-" she pointed at a figure.

I turned my head as some people moved their heads and my eyes were filled with tears and pain. I felt like my heart was broken into thousand pieces. It was her. It was Soju , her body was totally purple and she was freezing. The face of her looked sour and sweaty. She looked at me with her weak eyes and reached her hands towards me.

" S-save me"

Her eyes closed after that sentence.

I ran to her and fell into my knees. I took her head on my hands and moved her sticky hair from her face. Soon I realized that few drops of tears were on her cheek. Those tears were not hers. It was mine.

" N-no you can-t , I- am sorry!" I shouted.

" Someone call a fucking doctor!"

I cried out.

In the Hospital

My hands still shaking , I stood in from of the room for hours. Doctors and nurses were running in and out and giving me goosebumps. I don't love Soju , we are nothing even if we got married , I love Eun Jae but still for a moment it felt like my heart was broken in million pieces. I felt like someone who was close from my heart was dying because of me. By rolling my phone a couple of times , I sat on the chair and licked my lips , making them wet.

" What-what did I do..." I sighed.

" I should have told her to wait outside the elevator or maybe I shouldn't have called her to go and have fucking breakfast with me. I avoided her for her good but this-this time it is extreme. What will I tell her father? I am such a dick." I looked down at my feet and passed my hand through my hair.

" Soju-I am so sorry- I hate myself for this!" I shouted and stood up .

I sat there for half a day until it was 7 pm. The doctor came out of the room and sighed at me , giving me creeps. I  stood up and ran to him.

" Is she o-okay?" I asked

" Her condition is better." He smiled with a bright face.

" What is the cause of it?" I asked.

" It was caused because of depression. Someone hurted her a lot , and also....she had a dangerous medicine. Maybe by mistake or by her own wish. But there is no problem." The doctor said.

" W-what!? You are actually saying there is no fucking problem whereas my wife was nearly dying!" I said with a loud voice.

" You're her husband? Then sir , are you treating her well?" the doctor asked.

Jungkook looked at the doctor with anger inside his eyes. I licked my lips slowly and looked down and then again at the doctor. My heart was telling me to beg help from someone. I do not want to hurt Soju at all. I  was forcing myself for it because I don't  want her to get hurt by me.I can't face her pain even if I do not love her.

" C-can I meet her now?" I asked , ignoring the doctor's question.

The doctor nodded and he walked inside the room. Seeing her sleeping with her eyes closed and her body neatly wrapped with blankets , made me smile slightly. I sat in a chair beside her and planned to hold her hands.

" No-Jungkook-" I refused myself.

'' Hey? Are you feeling fine? I am sorry. I know you will forgive me. You are the one who will always forgive me. But I can't let you love me. I will never love you either. But why am I dying in pain if you are the one who is hurt? What is this feeling? I think I like you better than before-" I said by looking down , not realizing that she was awake.

" Really?" she smiled.

" You-" I looked up. " Oh hey.." I giggled.

" You like me better than before?" She asked.

" What-No when did I say that? " I raised his eyebrows.

" You just-"

" Whatever , how are you feeling?" I looked at her.

" Yeah , better than before." She smiled. 

" I-I am sor-" 

As I was about to say sorry to her , the door harshly opened and a figure appeared. It was Seohyung , he looked as in he ran a long way. His face was red like a tomato and he was sweating as hell. Tears were inside his eyes , like he was trying to stop the tears to come out. He looked at Jungkook with anger and then with a slight smile at Soju.

" Oh my-are you okay-" 

He ran to her and the next moment her lips were on his. [ Seohyung] 

I enlarged my eyes, 

as my blood started to turn into fire. 


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