Part 3

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Normal POV

Alice squeals seeing me and skips over to hug me. I laugh hugging her back. "Okay Alice. Calm down" I giggle at her. "No. Rosalie hogged you" She pouts. "You're too adorable" I giggle poking her cheek. She huffs at me before grabbing my hand. She tugs me over to the two other people who I guess are their parents. 

"Cameron, this is Carlisle and Esme. Our adoptive parents. This is Cameron." Alice grins happily. "Oh it's so nice to meet you. Alice has done nothing but talk since she's gotten home" Esme smiles pulling me into a hug. I giggle at that. "I'm not surprised honestly" I laugh. "It's nice to meet you dear" Carlisle smiles also giving me a hug. 

"It's nice to meet you guys too." I smile at them. Alice tugs me over to the living room and I sit between her and Rose. As I sit and talk with everyone I relax more. 'Okay. Life is throwing a curve ball at me.' I think to myself. 'An entire family. That I'm attracted to. Odd... but good lord their all gorgeous' I think to myself. 

"Are you alright?" Esme asks me making me blush. "Sorry. Got caught up in my thoughts" I blush and she smiles. "That's alright. I was just asking if you liked it here so far?" She asks me. "It's definitely better than I expected it to be" I smile at her. "Well that's good. I'm sure you'll like it here. Even if it's a small town." She smiles at me. "I'm sure I'll like it here very much" I grin, my mind going back to the kiss with Rosalie. 

Edward asks Carlisle to talk out of the room and soon I'm chatting with everyone else about random things. When they come back I'm talking with Rosalie about shopping. "So... We need to tell you something" She tells me as our conversation stops. I look seeing everyone waiting patiently. 

"Please. Just hear us out. Ask any questions you want. Just... don't run" She says grabbing my hand in her. "Yeah. I promise." I tell her giving her hand a light squeeze. "Now, Cameron. I'm sure you've noticed things that are different about us, compared to everyone else in this town." Carlisle starts off. "Well yeah. You're all gorgeous." I grin and Emmett laughs at that.

"Well thank you. But Honestly, what differences have you seen?" He asks. "Pale, same colored eyes... Not sure what else. I've only been here one day" I blush. "Okay that's fine. We can just say it then... Our family..." Carlisle starts and seems nervous. "We're vampires. Alright?" Rosalie cuts him off. I look over at her seeing her watching me nervously.

"Are you being serious?" I ask looking around curiously. "She's serious." Carlisle nods. "You aren't planning on eating me are you?" I ask them. They all chuckle at me shaking their heads. "Emmett, thoughts to yourself" Edward says grossed out. "We are what we like to call vegetarians. We only feed from animals." Carlisle tells me. 

"So.. from Edwards comment at Emmett I'm guessing you read minds?" I say turning to Edward. "Yes I do" He nods. "Well now I'm embarrassed." I mutter and he chuckles. "We're all very glad you find us gorgeous" He tells me making me blush. I turn hiding my face in Rose's shoulder and they all chuckle. 

"There is another thing we need to share with you." Carlisle tells me. "Okay" I nod sitting up. "In our world, we have what's called mates." He tells me. "Am I someones mate?" I ask blushing. "Actually... you're all of our mates." He tells me scratching the back of his neck. "Wait... seriously?" I ask curiously. They all nod and I blush even more.

"To, not make you so nervous, besides me. Alice can see the future. Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions. Emmett has super strength. Rose has her beauty. Carlisle has super self control and Esme has her maternal instincts." Edward tells me. "You saw me coming didn't you?" I ask Alice. She nods with a big smile.

"We were all very restless waiting to see you this morning" She tells me making me blush. "Well I'm sorry I kept you all waiting" I giggle and they all chuckle. "It was worth the wait" Rose smiles giving my hand a small squeeze. "Oh man! You saw that!" I say turning to Edward who laughs. "I did. And I've got to say it was nice to watch" He says making me blush. 

"Did you?" I ask turning to Alice. She nods giggling. "That's why I called Rosalie. If I didn't call you wouldn't have made it over here" She tells me. My blush deepens making them all laugh. "This is not nice" I pout at them. After a while my dad texts me asking me to come home. "If you're alright with it, each of us were wanting to stay with you at night." Jasper tells me.

"Like, every night someone different?" I ask curiously and they all nod. "Yeah I'm okay with that" I smile. "It will be a surprise every night who joins you though" He tells me making me groan. "Can one of you come with me? To at least make sure I don't get lost. Cause She drove me here" I laugh pointing to Rose. 

"I can drive you back" She tells me and I nod. I give everyone a hug and then we go out to my jeep. "By the way I love your jeep." She tells me. As we drive, she holds one of my hands in hers. As we park in front of the house I can see the living room light is on. Bellas lamp is on but I know she's asleep. 

"I'm glad your finally here." She smiles at me. "I am too. It's definitely been an interesting day. But it's a good interesting" I giggle. "I'm glad." She smiles. Without missing a beat, I lean across the console pressing my lips onto hers. She pulls me over the console again as my hands weave into her hair. Finally, I have to pull back to breath and I snuggle my head into her neck.

She rubs circles on my waist and I finally sit up. "I should probably go inside" I blush at her. "Yeah that sounds good. I won't be with you tonight. I figured I'd give them a chance to be with you" She chuckles. "I'll see you tomorrow though" I smile at her. "That you will. Get inside." She says giving me another peck.

I climb out with her and shut the door. "I'll see you tomorrow" She says giving me one last kiss before disappearing. "Never going to get used to that" I mutter going inside. "There you are. You have a good day?" Dad asks. "Yeah. I made some friends. The Cullens" I tell him. "They're good kids. I'm glad you made some friends." He smiles. "Night dad" I say going to my room.

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