Part 16

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The last few weeks had been calmer than ever. With Bella gone to Jacksonville everything seemed like normal. School had just finished a few days ago and now Esme and Carlisle were talking with dad about me going on vacation with the family. Which I was excited about. I'm sure dad would say yes. He loves the Cullens and how they've treated me since all of this started. 

"How are they not done talking yet?" I whine stretched across the couch and Edwards lap. He loved getting all the attention when my dad came over. "Aren't you listening in? Their discussing details of the trip" Edward chuckles rubbing my leg. "No I'm not listening. I actually have to focus more than you for that" I say with a grin.

"So what I'm hearing is he's okay with it?" I ask again. "Yes he is. He just wanted details of the trip. Where we're going. How long. Typical worried parent questions." He tells me. I hear the office door open and Edward helps me sit up now. Dad walks out first and I give him a grin. "Sooo?" I trail off acting like I didn't know anything.

"I guess you can go. But you better stay in touch while your gone" He scolds and I grin jumping up to hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I chant and he laughs. "Just have a good time. Bring me back a souvenir." He jokes and I giggle. "Of course I would." I tell him as he looks down at his watch. "I got a shift starting soon so I better head out. Be safe." He tells me sternly. "I will dad. Get to work." I tease lightly.

After he leaves I squeal jumping around excited. "I think she's happy." Emmett says and I nod happily. "So where are we going?" I ask curiously. "Its a surprise darling." Carlisle tells me and I groan dramatically. "But I don't want it to be a surprise." I say making them all laugh. "Well you will just have to live with it." He tells me kissing my head as he walks past me to sit down. "So when are we going?" I ask sitting down between Edward and Jasper.

"In a few days. I have a few more shifts at the hospital before my vacation time is starting." Carlisle tells me and I nod. The rest of the day is spent relaxing and me trying to beg details of the trip out of them. Side note, it didn't work.

"Lets go!" I chant jumping around in the driveway. "We're coming darlin'. Calm down" Jasper chuckles walking out the front door. "Oh so now we walk like normal humans?" I ask dramatically. They all chuckle as the rest of them follow out the door. Once the car is loaded I jump into the front seat with a wide grin. Jasper ends up in the driver seat and smirks seeing me bouncing in my seat. 

Alice and Edward join us as the others get in another car. I hear Emmett complaining about me not being in their car and giggle. Jasper pulls out of the driveway and takes off down the road as the others follow. "So can you please tell me now? It's the day of our trip" I ask pleadingly. "No. We all agreed it's a big surprise. We all put effort into this gift. You'll have to wait" Edward tells me and I pout. 

"Quit pouting Darlin." Jasper says as he reaches over rubbing my cheek. I smile at that and lean closer to his hand. He chuckles softly and pokes my nose before taking his hand back. I scrunch up my nose giggling softly. As he drives I turn on the radio humming to the music. When we finally get to the airport I'm the first out of the car, once again getting excited. 

They lead me through the airport and I gape slightly. "You have a jet?" I squeal and they laugh. "Of course we do. You do to now. You're our mate" Alice smiles tugging me to the stairs to get on. I climb up the stairs and grin at the open seating. "This is so cool" I giggle dropping into one of the big seats. They all join sitting around and once we're all settled we take off. 

"Now will you tell me?" I ask halfway through the flight. "I will tickle you to death if you ask one more time young lady" Emmett playfully scolds me. I giggle but then pout. "This isn't fair. I'm the only one out of the loop." I huff and they all shake their heads with a smile. "A guilt trip isn't going to work either" Carlisle says and I sigh. "I tried" I huff but lean back relaxing.

After a long flight and me sleeping a lot we finally landed. "We're in Rio?!" I ask wide eyed and grin. "Well it's a pit stop. We're going to pass through here to get to where we're going." Carlisle tells me leading me out of the airport. "This is so beautiful" I say staring around in awe as they lead me to a car. I climb in and I'm now in the car with Emmett, Rose, Esme and Carlisle. 

I sit between Rose and Emmett in the back as Carlisle drives. I stare out the windows with a wide grin taking in everything I see. When we stop I see we're parked by a dock. "We're going on a boat?" I ask curious now. "We have to get their somehow." Emmett says with a grin. I climb onto the boat and sit with Esme as Carlisle starts the boat. 

After a while of sailing I'm nudged and sit up turning to Alice who grins widely. "Look." She tells me pointing off somewhere. I turn and look seeing an island and we're going to it. "That, is Isle Cameron" She tells me. "You guys got me an island?!" I ask wide eyed looking from one to the other. "You deserve the best. And we plan to give you that." Rose tells me with a smile. 

I squeak happily as tears fill my eyes. "Oh don't cry" Esme soothes grabbing my hand. "This is so much. I can't even tell you how much I love all of you" I say before stopping as I realize I said the last part out loud. They all smile widely at my words. "We love you as well Darling" Carlisle says from his spot as he guides the boat closer and closer.

I move around the boat giving them each a hug and a kiss. As we get to the island I see the big house and grin. Emmett helps me off the boat leading me closer as everyone carries in bags. "This is beautiful. It's perfect" I grin spinning in a circle as I get inside. "We're glad you like it darlin'. Esme designed the house actually" He tells me. I turn to her shocked and she smiles.

"You are an amazing woman" I grin giving her a kiss. She smiles brightly at me as we pull apart. "Let's get settled and just relax. We can explore together tomorrow. How does that sound?" Edward suggests and I nod. "That sounds good. I need food anyways" I say as my stomach growls at me. They all chuckle and we all start unpacking. 

Once we finish unpacking I flop onto the couch sighing at how comfy it was. "Cameron! Come and eat" I hear Rose calling after a while and pout to myself but climb off the couch. As I eat we all chat about what we want to do while we're here. Apparently I was the popular topic between them all on what they wanted to do. This trip is gonna be insane.

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