Part 15

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As the engine cuts out I groan throwing my head back on the couch. "Wait.. how did she even find out where you live? That's creepy!" I say sitting up. "Not sure." They all mumble. Carlisle, being the calm one, gets up to answer the door when she knocks obnoxiously. "Yeah I'm looking for Cameron." I hear her say in an 'innocent' tone. I roll my eyes at that. "I'm sorry but I don't think that's a good idea." Carlisle answers calmly and I smile thankfully.

"Well I need to talk to her." She says starting to loose the nice tone. "From what I've heard from you're father you both aren't on good terms. I think it's best if you leave and talk with your father" He says nicely, while everyone else is getting annoyed. "No, I need to talk to her. Cameron! Get down here and talk to me!" She yells and almost all of them growl. I then shoot off the couch mad for how she talked to him. 

I jog down the stairs and Carlisle turns to me giving me a look to stay calm. "Finally. I need to talk to you." She states and I snort. "Good for you. Who said I wanted to listen?" I ask standing next to Carlisle. "We're sisters. I deserve to have someone listen to me. And dad won't" She says with an attitude. "Oh now we're sisters? Cute joke. You can leave now." I state turning around.

I feel her hand latch onto my wrist and spin back glaring at her. "Let me go. Or you're gonna have broken bones. I've had enough of you." I snap at her. She yanks her hand back and she huffs. "So what you're just going to hide here with the weird family? Flunk out of school and become some whore who mooches of the family?" She rants. 

I hear growling upstairs as my eyes turn to slits. "Alright I've had enough. Bella you need to leave" Carlisle interjects as he see's my face. "No I don't" She snaps. "Alright. Someone call my dad. She'll need a ride to the hospital!" I yell for everyone else to clearly hear. I grab Bella in a headlock tugging her down the few steps and shove her. She trips over her own feet falling.

"Don't touch me like that! I'll have dad arrest you!" She screeches. "Dad's already told you he won't arrest me. He knows your the one antagonizing me." I say bored. She swings her hand to slap me but I easily duck out of the way. "Let me tell you this. Don't you ever. Bad mouth the Cullens. They've shown me better family than you have in our whole life. Their bond is unbreakable." I snap glaring at her.

"Well they're weird! They never talk to anyone! And they're dating each other! It's creepy and wrong! You're just as bad! But you're just using them for money!" She screeches and I can barely start to hear my dad's car. I swing at her and hit her nose watching her fall. She gets up and charges at me. I grab her and twist my body throwing her to the ground as I see my dad turn into the driveway.

I feel her yank on my ankle and I fall. "Ha!" She says as if she won. "This isn't a win. I've hit you more than once." I snap as I get up. As she gets up after me she swings at me and I block it as dad gets out of his car. "Bella! That's enough!" He yells angrily. She stops quickly and turns to him. "Dad she hit me! And she threw me on the ground! Arrest her!" She yells. 

"Bella for the last time I'm not arresting her. You antagonized her. I heard most of what you said through the phone when they called. Get in the car. Now." He states angrily. "Carson what happened?" He asks me in a calmer voice. "She was being rude to Carlisle. Then bad mouthed the whole family, and called me a whore. And accused me of using them." I listed and he frowns. 

She screeches yelling and complaining as she stomps to the car. "I'll have her truck towed out of your driveway in an hour or two. Carlisle I'm sorry about her. She shouldn't be bad mouthing you or your family." Dad apologizes with a frown. "I'm just sorry it ended in a fight." Carlisle tells him. "It's alright. She's only doing it in defense. I raised her right" Dad states giving me a wink.

I laugh lightly as he gives me a hug leaving. I turn holding up my hand as Carlisle holds his own hand out. He looks over my knuckles giving me a scolding look. "Let's go clean your hand up." He tells me as he leads me inside. Everyone is still in the living room waiting and Carlisle runs to get a few things. I sit next to Jasper now who kisses the side of my head. Carlisle kneels in front of me cleaning my knuckles. I hiss slightly as it burns a bit. 

"Thank you for sticking up for our family" Carlisle smiles at me. "Hey like you said. Our family. I don't let anyone bad mouth my family" I smile at him. "You sure are a badass" Emmett says making everyone laugh. "Always you to bring out a laugh from a serious moment." I giggle at him. "Well someone has to be the goofball" He mumbles with a pout.

"And you are great at being a goofball" I tell him walking over to kiss his cheek. He grins happily at that and kisses my cheek in return. "Alright. Now that we dealt with that, what's our plan for today?" I ask sitting back down. "Movie day?" Rose suggests and we all agree. Through the day we watch random movies from action, to romance, to comedy. As I start to fall asleep I feel a light shake. 

I grumble softly and I hear a chuckle. "Come on sleeping beauty. Let's get you in bed" I hear Carlisle's voice. As I'm picked up I nuzzle my face into his chest as he crosses the house. "Stand up and let's get you changed alright?" He says softly and I groan but nod. As he sets me down I stumble but change into the clothes he gives me. I crawl into the bed behind me and nuzzle into the pillows. 

The bed dips on both sides and feel a broad chest against my back. I feel fingers running through my hair and smile softly as I fall asleep almost instantly.

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