Part 5

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After I stopped crying he walked me down the hall to the library. We sat down and he grabbed my hand in his. "Alice saw what happened. Are you okay?" He asks softly. "No. People will never change their thoughts. I didn't kill my best friend. I also didn't try to kill his murderer but no one will ever believe me" I sniffle slightly.

"Do you want to stay here?" He asks me. "I want to stay until lunch at least. After that... we'll see" I shrug. He nods and kisses the back of my hand. He pulls my chair closer to his and tucks me into his side. I stay curled into his side and once the bell rings we head to our next class. By lunch I'm ready to leave. 

Edward wraps an arm around me, pulling me into his side. "Are you okay?" He asks me worried. "No. I don't want to stay here. I'm ready to go. Please just get me out of here" I plead softly. He nods and walks over to his siblings as I wait by the door. "So how'd you manage to swing that?" I hear Jessicas voice behind me. 

"Did you guilt trip him? Cry about your little friend and get him wrapped around your finger?" She asks me. I turn giving her a deadly glare. She takes a step back from me but I follow her. "Nothing to say now? All that confidence gone? If you can't say shit to my face. Don't talk behind my back." I hiss at her. 

I turn around to walk to the others until she speaks again. "Yeah walk away you little murderous freak!" She yells at me. It gets silent and Edward and the others turn in time to see me drop my bag. I shrug off my jacket as they all start towards me shaking their heads. I turn around and swing punching Jessica in the nose. 

"Ow! You little freak!" She yells at me. She swings at me open handed and I grab her hands spinning her around putting her in a headlock. "Am I still a murderous freak? Huh you little bitch?" I snap at her She shakes her head frantically as two sets of arms grab me. They pry me off of Jessica and one set of arms hugs me back into their chest. 

"Edward" I mutter tensely. "Yeah?" He asks softly. "Get me the hell out of here" I tell him. He turns me around and leads me out the doors quickly. I look back at the others and they just nod at me understanding I needed to get the hell out of there. We get to Edwards car and he speeds out of the parking lot.

We get to their house and he walks me inside. Esme walks out of the kitchen and frowns seeing my upset face. I walk over hugging her tightly and she hugs me back. "What happened?" She asks me softly. "They're never going to change their minds about me" I cry into her shoulder. "Who won't sweetheart?" She asks me frowning.

"Everyone! They think I tricked Edward into 'dating' me. Or that I'll kill him next. One girl called me a murderous freak!" I cry and she frowns hugging me tightly. "Why don't I make you a snack? Then we can just sit and forget those terrible kids" She coos at me. I smile and nod at her. She kisses my forehead and Edward takes me into the living room.

He turns on a funny movie and soon Esme joins us, sitting on my other side. I lay across the couch after eating my snack and Edward runs his fingers through my hair and it soothes me. I feel Esme rubbing my leg gently and I smile as I doze off.

Carlisle's POV

I took off early to hopefully see Cameron before she had to go home. When I got to the house I saw Edwards car and smelt Cameron. I run inside and see her laid across the couch. Her head laying in Edwards lap asleep. Esme came out of the kitchen and smiled coming to greet me. "You're home early" She says giving me a nudge.

"I wanted to see her. What are you two doing here?" I ask Edward. "Everyone at school is being rude and harsh about the articles. They're accusing her of different things, now involving me. She got into a fight with Jessica Stanley because she called her a murderous freak." He says frowning deeply.

She starts to shift and squirm before her eyes open. She blinks before sitting up. She sees me and smiles holding up her arms at me for a hug. I squat down and pick her up hugging her into my chest. She squeaks as I pick her up and end up giggling as she clings to me. "Carlisle?" She says softly. "Yes my love?" I ask looking down at her.

Edward smiles at her, reading her thoughts. "I... I want you guys to mark me." She says blushing. I look at her neck seeing one mark that I guess is Jaspers. "Only if you want us to darling. We would never push you." I tell her. "I want you to" She says getting shy now. "Who is this shy little girl?" I tease her lightly. 

She laughs as she lays her head on my shoulder. "We will each do it one at a time alright?" I tell her softly. She nods her head and I bring her upstairs to mine and Esme's room. I lay her down and she smiles at me. "Where do you want me to mark you?" I ask her. "You pick." She says biting her lip.

I smile at her shy behavior and lean down kissing her softly. She kisses me back and I trail kisses down her neck. I kneel down between her legs and shift her pants slightly. I kiss the area before sinking my teeth into her soft skin and marking her. She gasps and lets out a soft moan that drives me crazy inside. I come back up and kiss her lightly. 

"I'll see you soon love" I tell her giving her one last kiss before I slip out the door. Esme runs upstairs once she see's me and I chuckle at her excitement. 

Normal POV

I lay on the bed still tingling from the pleasure Carlisles bite gave me. Just like Jaspers did. Esme comes in next and smiles at me. I smile back as she climbs onto the bed with me. She lays down next to me kissing my nose. She pulls me close to her and gives me a light and gentle kiss on the lips. I kiss her back and she leaves a feather light trail of kisses down onto my neck, opposite of Jaspers mark.

I bite my lip and whimper at the small jolts of pleasure that shoot through me as she kisses my neck. She swipes her tongue on the spot she's going to mark before sinking her teeth into my neck. I gasp and moan and whimper at the pleasure. She pulls back and kisses her mark. "I'll see you soon my sweet girl" She tells me and I smile nodding at her.

She leaves the room and soon Edward comes in. He picks me up off their bed and carries me into what I'm guessing is his room. He sits on the small futon that in his room leaning against the  wall it was next to. I smile down at him as I straddle his lap. He smiles and pulls me down kissing me sweetly. I smile into the kiss.

He doesn't rush his mark, I think he just enjoys kissing me. "I do enjoy kissing you" He chuckles softly. I blush and he smiles. "Your kisses.. are addictive. Like a drug." He says swiping my bottom lip out from between my teeth. "Are you sure you don't mind where I mark you?" He asks me. "You pick." I tell him.

"What if I wanted to mark you... around here" He says runnings his fingertips across my breasts. I gasp softly at the tingles I get. "That's okay." I tell him softly. He kisses me once more before laying me across the futon. He slowly pushes my shirt up moving my bra with it. He kisses up my stomach and I gasp letting out a moan as his lips wrap around one of my nipples. 

He releases it with a pop and kisses the skin above my nipple. He sinks his teeth into the skin right above my nipple and I gasp moaning at the feeling.He fixes my shirt for me and sits up with me. I straddle his lap and lay my head on his shoulder. I cuddle closer to him and he moves us back downstairs. 

He pulls a blanket around me as we watch the movie. I soon fall back asleep, waiting for my others mates to get down with school. I already missed them.

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