The Night Of Assassins

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Thanking @Ph03nyxx and _whos_the_idiot_now_for helping with my grammar and error.


Alas, Ying Yue had reached the age of 10 years old and secretly mastered the arts of Kung Fu and Swordsmanship but only the basics as the more complex books were hidden from her when her mother Ying Fan found out what she was doing behind her back.

On the other hand, her body was well balanced and toned until her strength was unbelievable nobody would believe it if she could cut bamboo in half with just one slice. That was what made her get caught after all.

When she finally thinks it was enough practice, she takes a deep breath to calm her breathing and slowly sneaks from the garden into her room until she heard some noises and stop to look at the surroundings.

There was nothing out of the ordinary except it felt too silent. Usually, at these times she would spot the guard to pass her room but it has been 5 minutes and there wasn't even a shadow of a human outside.

Ying Yue felt her body getting goosebumps and slowly sneak out to her parent's room as she was worried about her mother.

The bad feeling grew when she didn't spot any other guards at their station and she quicken her pace until she reaches the window to her mother's room.

Perhaps she was being paranoid but the bad feeling wouldn't go away. She skillfully gets in the room without making a noise as she was lightweight and hides in the dressing room near the bed.

When she glances to see that her mother was sleeping peacefully, as usual, she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Ying Yue was going to go out but she needed to make sure there was really nothing at all and clench the hilt of the practice sword given by her father before approaching her mother.

But before she could make her move, there was a black shadow slowly approaching her mother from the left side and quickly she threw whatever was nearby and, in this case, her mother's hairpin and it hit the man's hand when it raise his blade to hurt Ying Fan.

"Ow!" the man yelled which woke Ying Fan and Ying Yue was fast beside her mother.

"Quickly, state why you wish to kill this woman. Do you not know whose mansion is this?" Ying Yue's voice was full of venom and her glare was that of a demon's when she looked coldly at the assassin. Ying Fan was surprised her daughter could behave this way; she would have thought this was a dream if it weren't for her daughter tightly squeezing her hand.

Even the assassin was shaking and nearly got scared until he realizes it was a young kid in front of him as he could see Ying Yue's short stature.

With confidence, he said, "Of course, I know whose mansion this is. Which is why you will both die tonight!"

"Ying Yue!" Ying Fan yelled and dive in to cover Ying Yue when she saw the sword heading their way but Ying Yue anticipated her mother's behaviour as she had watched so many dramas in her previous life, she would expect what her mother would do in this situation.

She pushed her mother to the side and rush forward to greet the man but she wasn't without a plan.

Diving to go for a slide, she kicks the man's leg which he did not expect but he recovers quick and without waste swings his sword to Ying Yue who repels it and sends it swinging to the side.

"If you know whose mansion this is and still dare to kill us both, then you should be prepared to face hell at the other side", Ying Yue used her sword to cut the assassin's joint at the legs and hands, making him incapable to move.

And as she realizes there might be poison in the assassin's mouth, she took her treasured dagger from the back and position it in the assassin's mouth so he wouldn't even dare to bite his tongue. Then she hits the assassin's pressure points so he would stay asleep for a while.

Ying Fan was amazed. As her daughter pushed her to the side, she thought Ying Yue was going to die but after one move and another, she couldn't believe what she saw.

But what scared her the most was how Ying Yue executed her moves without any hesitation as if she would even kill the man if the time comes just then. But all her uneasiness melts away when Ying Yue drops her sword and ran to Ying Fan, hugging her as if she was afraid her mother was gone.

Ying Fan returns the hug and pats her daughter's head saying, "It's alright. Mother is here Ying Yue. It's alright" to assure her she was still alive.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away mother, but how do you think I would feel if you died trying to protect me? Do you think both father and I will be happy if that happens?!" Ying Yue cries as she imagines if it really happened and Ying Fan was ridden from guilt.

"I'm sorry Ying Yue but when I saw that sword heading towards you, I just couldn't let you die. And what were you thinking just then? How do you think if I would feel if you really did die in front of me? And did you not think how scared I was to the point I couldn't breathe when I saw you fighting that man?!"

Both mother and daughter cries until there were no more tears left and that was when the guards arrived.

It seems that there wasn't just one assassin but 6 overall. They manage to catch 3 assassins while the other 2 kill themselves. And 5 guards that were supposed to be at their station were killed while they were on their way here.

The guards quickly bowed to their feet asking for forgiveness from the pair of mother and daughter saying they didn't know there was another assassin that slipped by them.

Ying Fan quickly composes herself well and told the men their punishment was up to the general, who was currently out of town solving an aristocrat's rebellion at some point. It must be the aristocrat's doing to send assassins to kill both mother and daughter to make Ying Jun despair in their death.

Dawn came before they realized it and Ying Yue informed the guards to check the insides of the assassin's mouth in case, they hid any poison to kill themselves and stuffed cloths in their mouth if there wasn't so they wouldn't bite their tongue off to die.

The guards were a bit confused but they did as told and looked at the girl with a mixture of fear and amazement.

If even 6 of the assassins were hard to fight, Ying Yue who was just a 10-year-old child had dealt with one that was thrice her size. But this was nothing compared to the guards. After all, the assassin let his guard down because Ying Yue was just a child and they will not think twice before trying to kill the target. Things would have ended differently if the assassin they faced were the demonic kind (those that does not hesitate to kill no matter what age or gender).

The General's DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin