Second Encounter

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"Master, why don't you just use the lightning element to travel faster?" Element whines as they were still far from Zen Nation but they were getting there.

"I can't afford to attract any attention. Besides, though my energy won't be affected, my body would still suffer from running the whole distance, now won't I?" Ying Yue complained back and gave a list of reasons on why they can't use the lightning attribute.

Element whines and sulks at the corner which made Ying Yue sigh and compromise, "I'll use it when we can see the border and go back to meet with Northern General Sun Bin"

Element was happy again. Though he prefers to travel, after seeing just trees all around them, he got so bored, he kept complaining to Ying Yue to use him at times.

Ying Yue didn't want to delay more to the trip so she refused and told him she would train with him once they were back.

After a few days of travelling, they finally saw the border which was the one she had to defend for her first war, the Northern Border.

As promised, she set the horse free and took out Element to focus on merging with the lightning attribute. Once merge, her whole body was sparkling like thunder and she made a dash as she named the move, 'Quick Feet'. It was like a light that travels fast that no one could even see her figure.

She passed the border inspection and the guards could only feel the wind passing as they could not understand what just happened and shrugged it off.

Ying Yue then proceed to reach Northern General Sun Bin's house that she had visited once. When she had arrived, she went to the back garden where there was nobody and changed back to her usual self.

"Master! I sense brother An!" Element alerts when she had become normal.


Just then someone had arrived at the back garden and that person was none other than Northern General Sun Bin and Commander General Li Jian.

She wasn't wearing a disguise so General Sun Bin did not recognize who Ying Yue was while the man beside him gave a hint of surprise before he calms down and remained silent.

Ying Yue pretends not to notice the man beside the general as she gave a salute and said, "General Sun Bin".

Northern General Sun Bin would recognize that voice from anywhere so he excused himself from Li Jian and called out Ying Yue to his study room.

Once they were alone, General Sun Bin looks at Ying Yue and gave a pleased look. "You are quite a beauty; my offer still stands for you to marry with my son".

This made Ying Yue smile. The first thing he did was make a joke with her but the General thought otherwise, "Northern General Sun Bin, I think it is time for me to reintroduce myself".

Ying Yue then told the General the truth about her identity which made the old man amused, "General Ying Jun's daughter eh, I've heard about you." He caresses his beard and was still smiling but there was a serious look in his eyes as he asked, "I assume you will be Ying Yue from now onwards then. What will happen to Yin?"

Indeed, he is as wise as his age that he could see through Ying Yue at once. Ying Yue only smiles and said, "You will hear the news soon. But right now, I need to go back to the capital and I need help to send a message to the South".

Ying Yue then passed a letter she had written in the capital before but did not submit to the postman as she could not trust them as this one was for Ting Ting. But with an ally, what more a respectable one, she gave the letter to General Sun Bin and hopes that it could reach the South as fast as possible. General Sun Bin complied.

"Thank you, I am forever grateful for what you did... especially from the first war, General Sun Bin", Ying Yue bows in respect.

General Sun Bin was touched as he sees Yin as his daughter. "There is no need for that, you just need to marry my son to repay me".

Ying Yue shakes her head and said, "My answer is still the same as before".

Once she had finished settling things with Northern General Sun Bin, she had walked out and passed by a garden where Li Jian was seating at.

A pebble was thrown towards Ying Yue's direction but she easily blocks it with her sword and look towards the culprit.

Li Jian was looking at her with a piercing gaze that would make anyone feel uncomfortable and look down towards the ground but Ying Yue meet his gaze with a smirk, she bows then left as Ying Yue had nothing to do with Li Jian.

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