Signs of an Incoming War

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As time passes, Yin got promoted from soldier to Assistant Vice-Captain as he performed well enough to even beat the Vice-Captain a couple of times with a win.

But it was also because Yin was quite popular with the other recruits as he was friendly and skilful. The new recruits respect and listen to him well and when they appointed Yin as the Assistant Vice Captain, they would be happy and promise to work harder.

Yin also trains them with the basic moves enough to make the whole company a formidable group that could kill 100 soldiers with ease in the future.

Though she was happy to be promoted she didn't think she did much, to begin with as she only helps with training and did her assigned tasks well. In fact, Yin suspects the one who helped her get promoted was Ting Yi as a reward for defeating him and the captain multiple times.

Yin was actually getting bored as there wasn't much excitement at their camp and the only jobs they were assigned to was just practising for war. She wishes there was something to do soon.

As if her prayers were heard, a rider had just arrived at the captain's tent and Yin was called out to the meeting as Yin was now an officer with ranking.

"Yin, come stand next to me", Vice-Captain Ting Yi said when he saw Yin coming into the captain's tent.

The rider was a messenger soldier from the Northern garrison which divided the Nation of Zen and Qi from each other. And there seems to be spotting of invaders who were trespassing the country.

The garrison manage to catch some invaders and tried to make them spill the beans however the soldier chooses to commit suicide instead. The General in charge of the Northern Garrison has sent trackers and spy units to see what was going on and they found out 100 thousand soldiers were approaching the Garrison and that they were expected to arrive in a month.

"As your camp is stationed nearby the Northern Garrison, you are being summoned by the Emperor to assist the garrison with defending the wall, Captain Zhu" the messenger hands the imperial edict.

Captain Zhu bows and the rest followed suit as they bow with their knees on the ground as the captain accepts the Imperial order, "I accept this Imperial Order"

With that, the messenger hands the edict to the captain and bows before excusing himself.

Now it was just the three of them in the room. Captain Zhu looks at Yin and Ting Yi and sighs when he saw Yin's expression. "I guess you're raring to go Assistant Vice-Captain Yin"

Yin was confused. How did he know she was ready to go? Curious she asked, "What do you mean Captain?"

"There's a fire in your eyes dying to greet the enemies at the battlefield and I notice how you've gotten bored as there's no more match in this squad anymore now", he smiles and pats Yin's head.

The Captain leaves the camp and with a loud voice he announces, "Soldiers, get ready to pack for we are heading to the North for war!"

The men reply with enthusiasm as their loud voices said, "Yes Captain!"

With that, they started the journey to the North which took them a week. And when they reach the Garrison, Yin was in awe.

Yin could feel excited and scared for this upcoming war but mostly she was dying to meet with the enemy's General as to when they were on the way to the North, she learned that its General was a formidable man who was like the younger version of Ying Jun the Red Lion. Nobody knew how he looked like as when he faces his enemies, they would die without a word. And that the General was related to the current Emperor ruling Qi Nation thus he was called the Demon King.

In short, Ying Yue could sense that the young general was a cold-blooded killer that will not leave a single enemy behind. Yin could understand that man however she would rather avoid killing unless it was the only option left.

But hearing the Demon King gave a prick feeling that she couldn't know why.

"Are you alright Yin?" Ting Ting's voice snaps Yin out from her daze and looks forward to seeing that they were still waiting for the General and Lieutenant to address themselves in front.

The Captain and Vice-Captain were standing in front while Yin stood at the back of Vice-Captain as her rank was lower than him. While Ting Ting was standing behind Yin as she told her to be closer just in case.

"I'm alright now. I was just daydreaming then Ting Ting", Yin gave her an assuring nod and smiled at her.

"The Northern General Sun Bin is going to make an announcement. Attention!" A soldier announced.

The Northern General was an old man who almost seems to be near a grandfather's age but his body was still buff and he seems powerful. Age only makes him look more formidable and Yin can't help but notice his domineering aura just like her father Ying Jun.

"As you've been told, the Nation of Qi in the North is currently marching here and it's estimated they will be here by the end of the month with 100 thousand soldiers. Currently, our men are only 70 000 but we will defeat them and bring glory to our Nation!" the men made noises as his voice was charismatic that they couldn't help but follow him. Only now did Yin see just how a general should be:

A person who you can't help but follow and look up to with respect and honour. As well as lead the people to victory even if against the odds.

On that day, they set up camp outside the garrison near the border where it was a huge space of emptiness that you can see just how large the land is between the two nations. Then that night, those with a rank of captain and above such as lieutenant and assistant lieutenant were called into a strategical meeting as they plan for the upcoming war.

Hoping Ying Yue was going to be helpful with the strategies she knows from the future, Yin beg the captain to bring her to the meeting and surprisingly he said 'yes' but Yin shouldn't do anything stupid.

"I'll be watching you Yin", the captain gave a stern look before they enter the general's camp.

The atmosphere was surreal as it was tense and serious that the whole army leaders were deep in thought.



Company: Commanded by a captain and consists of 3-4 platoons. There are anywhere from a few dozen soldiers to nearly 200. Battalion: Consists of 4-6 companies and can include up to about 1,000 soldiers. Commanded by a lieutenant colonel.

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